Develop patient education material.esucation tool will be in the format of a brochure and will use technology to develop a web-tutorial of this material.

Develop patient education material.esucation tool will be in the format of a brochure and will use technology to develop a web-tutorial of this material. The education tool will be from authoritive sources and will provide other technological resources for evidence practice for the patients to access. Nursings primary focus is promotion of wellness and disease prevention. Understanding primary, secondary or tertiary area level of prevention. This assignment is for you to develop a creative affective accurate and thi secondary or tertiary area level of prevention. This assignment is To develop a creative affective accurate evidence based and culturally appropriate to page patient education Brochure with a corresponding web tutorial a 4-5 minute video explaining your material to a prospected patient .
Book is mcgonigle,d & Mastrian, k 2015 nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge Chapter 17 and 23
A critical analysis of a health promotion intervention: Diabetes effecting Schizophrenia patients
Title: A critical analysis of a health promotion intervention: Diabetes effecting Schizophrenia patients
1. A 2000 word essay based on a health promotion on Diabetes effecting Schizophrenia patients
2. activity that you have undertaken (or closely participated in) whilst on clinical placement.
3. A rationale for the importance/necessity of the health promotion (hp) intervention that includes relevant epidemiological data and relates to contemporary health and/or social policy
4. Application of a suitable health promotion model and/ or behaviour change theory to the activity undertaken.
4. Critical consideration of health literacy in both the delivery of the health promotion activity and any supporting materials used.
5. An evaluation of your health promotion activity.
• You need to demonstrate sound understanding of health promotion policy, evidence and theory related to your topic area.
• You will not be able to address every health promotion theory, choose one model only and apply this to your topic;
• Your essay should have a logical structure and have a systematic approach to care based on the Nursing Process.
• Consider a paragraph for each concept and aspect of your essay.
• Lead the reader through your discussion by signposting.
• You need to present a balanced discussion and a range of perspectives.
• Consider application of your concepts and theory from the viewpoints of all stakeholders.
• Your points should be logical and reasoned.

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