Australian palliative care patients

essay of 19-35 Australian palliative care patients
Order Description
introduction general idea about the topic withe out lines the discution parts main points
discussion about 2 Write an essay that:
a) Identifies and explains the importance of providing age-appropriate palliative
care reflecting a palliative approach for a person and their family
b) Discusses your understanding of how the nurse supports the needs of a
young adult, and their family, in a palliative care context
? Use current (less than five years old) and relevant literature to adequately
support your discussion throughout the essay
? References must be in APA style
Getting started
The following readings are offered to help you get started on your essay.
Bhatnagar, S., and Joshi, S. (2011). Palliative care in young adults: An issue
which needs higher and better awareness. Indian Journal of Palliative
Care, 13(3), 173-174. doi:10.4103/0973-1075.92332
Haley, C., and Daley, J. (2013). Palliation in chronic illness. In E. Chang and A.
Johnson (Eds.). Chronic illness and disability. Principles for nursing practice.
(2nd ed). (pp. 232-248). Chatswood: Elsevier. Retreived from
A critical evaluation of different leadership and management approaches in Health Care.
Order Description
The work must relate to leadership and management within the NHS, and if available, NHS Wales. Some reference to other organizations is acceptable but generally evidence should relate to nursing, medicine and professions allied to health care.
At Masters level the essay is expected to contain referenced evidence that argues for and against the different styles of management.
The structure should include:
How leadership and management skills are recognised and valued within the NHS
Outline and critique of the styles of management and how they relate to the NHS
Other topical / current concepts should also be included.
The essay should be 1100 words with around 10 to 15 APA style references. 75% of the references should be from 2006 onward and all in English as I will need to source the references and use them in further assignments. As previously mentioned a fair proportion of the references must relate to NHS and healthcare (80%). All references should be cited within the text.

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