12 Science Questions

2.1 What is the difference between R and K selective? Provide an example of a K specialist species and an R specialist species (find examples outside the textbook). What kind of environment would favor each and why? 2.2 According to our textbook, a biotic factor is a living element found within an ecosystem, while an […]


One  of the pivotal turning points that led to a change in public consensus  on Climate Change was the airing of the movie “An Inconvenient Truth” in  2006.  It provides straightforward explanations for global warming and  the science behind Climate Change.  It also addresses several commonly  held Climate Denier Myths.   If you have seen this […]

Research Plan Project

1)  PICK AN ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD OF PARTICULAR CONCERN TO YOU.  IT SHOULD BE RATHER SPECIFIC SINCE DATA INVOLVING THIS HEALTH HAZARD ARE REQUIRED. 2)  Plan a data collection study to identify potential human health hazards. 3)  Demonstrate knowledge of safety, health, and environmental laws, regulations, and policies to assure protection of humans. 4)  Analyze and […]

Ground Water Pollution

I chose ground water pollution to discuss this week   Download the Week 1 Assignment Template and replace the guiding text with your own words based upon your online research.  Please do not include a cover page.  All references, however, should be cited in your work and listed at the the end, following APA format […]

. Long-Term Ecological Research

The U.S. Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) network is a group of research sites supported by the National Science Foundation. The 26 network sites include diverse ecosystems and shared research results for the purpose of sustainably managing the nation’s biological resources. The network includes universities and the USDA Rangeland Research Unit, the USDA Forest Service Pawnee […]


Students will assemble at least five scholarly academic references related to their specific subsection that will be used to write the paper (refer to the tutorial on Scholarly References and Accessing Library Databases found in the Writing and Research Help tab for help on this assignment). Each student will list his or her references using […]

Sustainable Aquatic Ecosystem

Select a habitat and develop a blog article or paper that addresses its location, its species’ habitat requirements, and management strategies used to help sustain the habitat. Select one of the following habitats along with a location and submit it to your instructor for approval during Week Two. For example, you may choose peatlands in […]

Discussion Nature Experience Project

Throughout this course, we have been exploring environmental issues and challenges, such as fresh drinking water scarcity and biodiversity loss.  But what would our own lives be like without nature?  How might nature experiences benefit us? In this activity you are asked to spend time in nature, record experiences, and then share your reflections with […]

Living In A Sustainable World

Imagine a future in which human beings have achieved environmental sustainability on a global scale.  You will be describing what a sustainable Earth will look like in the future, providing examples throughout to support your descriptions.  You will be including all the terms that you have researched during Week 1 through Week 4 which are…. […]


Students will submit a developed outline that includes main ideas, key points of evidence, and preliminary analyses of their assigned sections of the Course Project. The outline should address an analysis of the chosen technology’s influence on society, considering all of the following components: social, cultural, political, economic, and environmental impacts. This is an individual […]

Construction Safety Journals

1. Search the Internet for information on a recent construction-related fatality. Share what you found, and discuss some of the probable causes of the incident. Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary. 2. Discuss the challenges of implementing an injury and illness prevention program on a large […]