Did the data match the initial predictions? What other plausible explanations were proposed for their data other than what they initially hypothesized?

  You can earn 10 points of extra-credit if you find a peer-reviewed psychology journal article directly related to a specific topic we’ve covered in this class and write a brief 300-word-long paper about the article that addresses the questions listed below. For example, you could use an article from the journal Psychological Science. You must use the PsychINFO […]

Describe two social issues related to the course-specific case study for Claudia that inform a culturally competent social worker.

Assignment: Cultural Competence As with all areas of the social work process, cultural competence is essential when engaging and assessing a child’s concerns. Being culturally competent includes understanding the unique needs of your client and asking how those needs can be fulfilled. Using an empowerment perspective treating clients as experts on their lives and their […]

Evaluate when using intuition or personal experiences is advantageous in making clinical decisions. Provide an illustration of this from your fieldwork experience.

  Social workers make decisions in practice settings based on different sources of knowledge, including their intuition, personal experiences, tradition, authority, and theories and research evidence. These sources of knowledge can be used together to contribute to decisions. Which source(s) of knowledge do you rely on? What are the strengths and limitations of each source of knowledge, and how will they affect […]

Compare and contrast three critical factors that influence your job attitudes in your current or past organization. Explain why these factors are critical to job satisfaction and performance

Attitude is a crucial component in an employee’s success and longevity at an organization. Therefore, many organizations design hiring processes that assess a job candidates’ attitudes. For example, leaders at Southwest Airlines have designed specific interview questions to determine if candidates are engaged and demonstrate a fun-loving attitude. Equally important to hiring for positive attitudes […]

 Discuss in detail the risk factors and explanations for each of the following:  social, biological and psychological theories of criminal behavior.

No directly quoted material may be used in this project paper. Resources should be summarized or paraphrased with appropriate in-text and Resource page citations. You are working as a criminal justice research specialist assigned to a special crime reduction task force. The officials would like a report from you on three main theories as they […]

Based on this referral information, what would be the three tests you would include in a standard battery for screening purposes that include neurological concerns?

Andy: A Story of Screening and Referral Resources Attributes and Evaluation of Discussion Contributions. Professional Communications and Writing Guide. List of Tests by Type. In this unit, you are introduced to the clinical psychology, counseling psychology, and neuropsychology branches of psychology. While these three specialty areas share overlap with goals for clients and the tools […]

Summarize, in general, what this mom did. Then, provide your own opinion.  You are free to voice whatever opinion you have, but make sure you back it up with support from our text or other sources (make sure you cite your source).  (This is worth 20 points)

Link- The lesson on intelligence presents the range of intelligence quotient scores in relation to the Normal Distribution and discusses the extremes of intelligence on either side of the curve.  While we hear a lot about ‘gifted and talented’ programs in school, we don’t hear much about it after one graduates from high school or […]