Teaching Large Classes – Lesson Plan

[ad_1] Here you are going to write a lesson plan for a large class of 60 students. The plan is 60 minutes long, and so don’t forget to put the timing for each stage, and the student/teacher interaction too. Note; S-T & T-S is not suitable for a large class, you need to get the […]

Managing business

[ad_1] ScenarioImagine that you have graduated with your degree and are currently working in your field of study. We haverecognized your writing skills and asks that you share your knowledge by writing an informal blog post that iswritten to help first year students in your field of study to learn about or deal with a […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Exemplification (Illustration) is a writing pattern that uses examples to show, explain, or prove a point.  Upload an one-page exemplification essay on a topic of your choice, such as the many examples of “home” or “family”.  See Additional Example Writing Topics on page 201 in BR.  Be sure to include a title and an […]

Leadership Theories and Project Management Challenges

[ad_1] Compare Leadership Theories with Project Management ChallengesFor this assignment, you must write a paper in a journal article format (aligned in two columns) that explains how different leadership theories influence the effectiveness of a project.our article should include the following: An introduction that introduces leadership theories.An overview of several different leadership theories and the […]

Initial Assessment and Triage Questionnaire

[ad_1] Find a potential client (friend, family member, current training client, yourself) and initiate an initial assessment.Have the client complete the appropriate questionnaires. Forms can be found in the “Initial Assessment andTriage Questionnaire” packet included with your course materials.Design and fully describe your nutrition and coaching plan for the client including: Your findings from collecting […]

R code and Screen shots

[ad_1] Variable importance for the bagging, random forests, and boosting has been computed for both the independent categories and the factor model predictors. The top 16 important predictors for each method and predictor set are presented in Fig.14.15. (a) Within each modeling technique, which factors are in common between the independent category and factor models? […]

Organized and disorganized crime

[ad_1] After reading the scenario below, imagine that you are a profiler for the police. Would you identify the crime scene as organized or disorganized? Explain your choice. What would you determine to be the victimology of the crime and the crime’s possible motivation? How would you describe the offender based on probabilities? A 19-year-old […]

Summary of readings

[ad_1] Read the required readings and answer the following questions:Required readings:Shi Zhecun, “One Evening in the Rainy Season” (1929).Lee, Leo Ou-fan. “Textual Transactions: Discovering Literary Modernism through Books and Journals”Mu Shiying, “Five in a Nightclub” (1932).Questions: Use four sentences to summarize the beginning, developing, highlight, and ending of the plot developmentin “One Evening in the […]

HR Competencies

[ad_1] After reviewing How are Global HR Competency Models Evolving  for the Future?, indicate what competencies are needed today that were not needed ten years ago for HR professionals because now we are a global economy. Use a minimum of two references from the class materials and interact with at least one classmate. Link to […]

An analysis of an artist

[ad_1] In this assignment, you will be identifying three resources which provide you historic, cultural, and/or artisticcontext about your artist from Part I (VINCENT VAN GOUGH, FRIDA KAHLO,CLAUDE MONET). Afteridentifying these sources, you will provide a brief explanation as to why each is relevant to your topic and whatcredentials each resource has as a truthful, […]

Blog on Texas government

[ad_1] Relate your issue area to a specific area of Texas government from the course (Legislature,Executive, OR Judiciary – pick no more than ONE) and tell us why your design challenge hasn’t beenaddressed in the Texas system as of today. The most important part of this blog is to demonstrate that youunderstand how that particular […]

Venture Kings Limited Partnership in Series

[ad_1] SUN Consulting was established by three entrepreneurs in late 2017. Each founder contributed $2000, at a price of $0.001 per share (i.e. the business, at formation, had a total of 6 million common shares). In January 2018, the founders invited an angel investor, who injected $100,000 in exchange of 0.6 million new common shares […]