The Trojan War

[ad_1] Not knowing who would win, which side would you have preferred to be on during the Trojan War? Explain your choice in detail. You may want to include information on each side’s champions, gods, leaders, location, etc. as support. Your support must come from either the textbook or the Troy Educational Website and must […]

Public Management Reform

[ad_1] The new realities of globalization and increased accountability are forcing public and nonprofit organizations to reconsider their use of traditional management practices. Instead, organizations are opting for results-oriented management practices typically associated with private, for-profit organizations. Over the past few decades, several major public management reform initiatives were created to address the demand for […]

The End of Isolation

[ad_1] Background: In 1938, in Munich, the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain made a deal with Adolph Hitler allowing Nazi Germany to annex Czechoslovakia’s Sudetenland. Hailed as a hero for his diplomacy at the time, Chamberlain is now widely reviled for his policy of “appeasement” to Nazi aggression. Yet one year later, Chamberlain led Britain […]

Criterion-related validity

[ad_1] Criterion-related validity: Create a hypothetical test based around the topic of Suicide Risk and identify 3characteristics of appropriate, relevant and measureable criteria. Identify a criterion for which predictor scorescould be compared. You are to design a criterion related validity study with identifying the specific 3characteristics and identify if they are concurrent or predictive validity […]

Medical assistance in dying (MAiD)

[ad_1] Medical assistance in dying (MAiD) is a morally troubling issue insofar as a human life can be terminated at the hands of a physician. Does personal autonomy justify a right to MAiD? If so, then how and to what extent? If not, then why not? In attempting to resolve the question, many see the […]

Fetal personhood

[ad_1] Many see the question of fetal personhood as crucial to resolving the debate about whether abortion is a morally permissible procedure to which women should have legal recourse. In attempting to resolve this debate, how important is it to determine whether a fetus is an innocent person with a prima facie right to be […]

Human nature

[ad_1] Look back at the ethical theories we studied this term. What do they say say about human nature? Put thepsychological egoist, the ethical egoist, Aristotle, and Sartre in conversation among each other. Is thereanything they have in common? Or do they offer irreconciliable points of view? If so, how can they be helpfulas a […]

The Difference Between Workplace Bullying, Harassment and Violence

[ad_1] Write an annotated bibliography using at least 10 referred journal articles that theyhave found on the subject they are interested in. The purpose of this assignment is to get students furtherdown the road on their project. Regardless of whether students have chosen a film or paper for a final project,that project must be based […]

Database Design

[ad_1] A database is a collection of data that is organized in a way to allow users to retrieve and use. It is oftenreferred to as an electronic filing system. Database design is the process of creating a model of the database.The model can include a number of attributes and entities, including users, logic, physical […]

Strategic Leadership Change Initiative

[ad_1] For your final project, you will construct a plan for a “change” within your Organization (or Organization of yourchoice that you research). As leaders we are constantly solving problems.This project will include the following:Describe the need for changeProvide background/historical information as neededDiscuss barriers or resistance to the changeDiscuss benefits of the changeProvide recommendations, and […]

Happiness and the meaning of life.

[ad_1] Philosophers have been raising (and answering) questions about happiness and the meaning of life. Couldart offer an answer? And maybe one that is less debatable? Using Tolstoy, Aristotle, and Bergson, explain howart could (maybe) come to our rescue. Always remember: do not solely offer opinions. Sample Solution The post Happiness and the meaning of […]


[ad_1] Discuss Definitions: Infant mortality rate, Crude birth rate, General Fertility Rate, Total fertility rate NHIS, NHANES, BRFSS (know the main features of these surveys) Prevalence, incidence, incidence rate, mortality rate (and their calculations). Standardized incidence rate (SIR), Standardized Mortality Rate (SMR) Sensitivity, Specificity, PV+, PV- Direct and Indirect Age-standardization (Under what conditions do they […]