Role play

[ad_1] (The time period is Latin america before its independence.)(Also it does not need to be 2 pages, 1 page is also enough.) For this discussion, I would like you to role play (only choose 1): You can  take on the persona of: 1. a wealthy encomienda 2. a native slave 3. an African slave […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Based on the topic of Political Action Committees (PACs) from Chapter 12, choose a CEO of a publicly-traded organization (your choice) and report: 1) The amount and the name of recipient of their political largest political donation since 2016 2) How many donations have they have made since 2016 3) Bonus: Based on this […]

Research Scholars

[ad_1] Research ScholarsWeekly Discussion Forum What is an example of research you have conducted previously or are currently working on or plan to work on in the future? What is your perspective of research?  Is it something you are interested in or merely something you have to get done? [ad_2] Source link

Connecting Intercultural Communication

[ad_1] Directions: Your assignment is to conduct some research to identify 3 major events that took place during the month/year and in the country in which you were born.  The idea is for you to conduct some research into the culture that existed during this time period.  You are to examine major news events, sports […]

In-groups and out-groups

[ad_1] In-groups and out-groups foster loyalty, but also hostility among members. Describe the role of these groups in promoting these dual roles. -Must be double spaced-12 font-Times New Roman-Use provided pages as references-May also use outside references if needed-Book is Macionis, J. J. (2019). Society: The Basics [ad_2] Source link

Pros and Cons of Conflict

[ad_1] Watch this interesting TedTalk Dare to disagree by Margaret Heffernan video. Write a short paper of at least 300 words as follows: Head each section of your paper to correspond to the numbers below: 1. Evaluate how stimulating conflict can be used to reap functional rewards for organizations. Use examples to support your reasoning. […]


[ad_1] Think of a fictional character who might fit one of the psychological disorders you learned about within this module. Consider cartoon characters, Disney princesses and villains, favorite sitcom characters, etc. In your main post: 1.  Explain which disorder the character may have, describe the disorder, then provide at least three pieces of evidence or […]

State v. Jackson Annotate this Case 112 Wn.2d 867 (1989)

[ad_1] I need to write a case brief on the  “State v. Jackson” Case112 Wn.2d 867 (1989). It is super easy stuff, but for my last cases i got 85, so i want to do one of them by professionals, so i can see what i am missing. ‘case brief is State v. Jackson, […]


[ad_1] ‘A 67-year-old, moderately obese woman examined today for increasing back and left shoulder pain. Limited circumduction of left arm noted in comparison with right arm. Strength of left arm is less than right, with less muscle definition in the left arm. Examination of back indicates significant kyphosis, and the patient states that she is […]

The impact of physical activity on health

[ad_1] Using current and relevant sources, explain the impact of physical activity on health in youth, both short and long term. Find out if there is a correlation between physical inactivity and the development of chronic disease and premature death. The goal is to make the reader more aware of both the physical and mental […]


[ad_1] I need a formal prospectus on a Shakespearean text in relation to approved primary and secondary sources identify a play and a topic (whether religion, politics, race relations, the place of women in society, gender norms such as courtship and/or marriage, or other cultural practices) Having identified your play and primary sources, explain your […]

Nursing Code of ethics

[ad_1] DQ #1 After reviewing the PowerPoints on the Code of Ethics, respond to the following: a. Discuss the purpose of the Code of Ethics for nursing.b. Describe a scenario that results in a situation or question in which you are able to refer back to the Code of Ethics for professional guidance. Note the […]