Analyzing a company’s financial statement

[ad_1] Use the financial statement of your company to compute the following ratios for the past 5 years: Return on Assets, Cash Return on Assets, Return on Equity and Debt to Assets. Analyze the trends of the ratios and relate any trends to the strategic plan, demand analysis and any other aspects that you have […]

Earned value rations

[ad_1] Your mission is to learn about earned value rations, work with Excel, and mimic my sheet as best you can — including the weird colored lines and the hand-written note. If you make a perfect match with formulas where formulas are called-out, you’ll get 30 points. If you implement the extra credit, I’ll add […]

Movie Analysis

[ad_1] Choose one of the two movies. Please choose one that you think is easier to write. The detailed requirements are in the PDF file uploaded. Comments from Customerin The movie link is in the file I uploaded. I have put it in the file 378925655_Migration_Film_Assignment_77938308342200. I put the film requirements and links into the […]

Covid 19 in UAE

[ad_1] Discuss the emergency management, response and recovery phases from Covid 19 in UAE, operational level, and what was the role of world health organization ,Critical thinking, knowledge gap, analysis, opinion, definitions, strength and weakness planning , rehabilitation,, facts and evidence . And the lessons learn, also the recommendation what need to improve. REFERENCE YOU […]


[ad_1] Should employees receive pay increases for simply doing the job they are were hired to do or should they have to go above and beyond? Would your answer be different for bonuses? Provide an explanation for your response. Support your response with APA cited references. Why do you think competing businesses endeavor to differentiate? […]

Henry James, Daisy Miller

[ad_1] Read: Henry James-Daisy Miller Prompt: As a man, Winterbourne enjoys many privileges that Daisy does not have. Explore the gender restrictions in Jamess world, the ways that Daisy challenges them, and the price she pays for her defiance. Essay Rubric: Content (50 points) Thesis statement, quality of research, textual support for claims, and […]

My major is International Studies

[ad_1] Write a short essay (minimum 400 words) defining and explaining a key concept in your major. In your explanation, you should:     Quote two different definitions of the term from different sources, and comment on how it is defined, highlighting the key concepts involved.     Explain the different aspects or types of this concept […]

Q&C 6

[ad_1] Instructions/Guidelines/Readings in PDFS. Readings:Dempsey, S. E. (2009). NGOs, communicative labor, and the work of grassroots representation. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies, 6(4), 328-345. Kirby, E. L., & Koschmann, M. A. (2012). Forum introduction: Communication-centered contributions to advancing scholarship in/of nonprofit and voluntary organizations. Management Communication Quarterly, 26, 133-138. doi: 10.1177/0893318911432272 Koschmann, M., & Laster, N. […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Read “Extracts from Adam’s Diary” by Mark Twain, you will in a well-written essay respond to the following prompt: Consider the conclusion. Explain how Adam’s opinion or view of Eve has evolved over the course of history? In your response, please have at least piece of text evidence to back up your claim (thesis).  […]


[ad_1] Textbook: Leigh, Irene, et al. Deaf Culture: Exploring Deaf Communities in the United States. Plural Publishing Inc, 2018. ISBN-13: 978-1597567916 Article: Surviving in Silence: A Deaf Boy in the Holocaust : the Harry I. Dunai StoryBook by Eleanor C. Dunai and Harry Dunai 2. brief summary (no more than 200 words)3. analysis and comparison, […]


[ad_1] Comment below this reaction on why you agree Anthony Gidden’s perspective best describes the process of modernization over Immanuel Wallerstein and George Ritzer? Do not use any outside resources. Only use your thoughts. “While there are parts of every theorists view that I disagree with, I agree the most with Gidden’s idea that human […]

Planetary Justice Blog

[ad_1] 1,000 word piece on a current environmental issue. Journalistic in nature, the blog this written work aims to provide an opportunity to apply the theoretical knowledge gained to a chosen environmental issue area, and to communicate this to a broader, non-expert audience. Make it look like an actually blog It is about planetary justice […]