Risk Management

[ad_1] 1. Consider the Rescola story, what should offices in skyscrapers and large buildings do other than plan for evacuations?2. Imagine the employees who objected to the training: what would be persuasive messages to them?3. The 1993 attack was considered a prodrome by Rescola. Why didn’t others see it?4. In a crisis situation, using the […]

relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership

[ad_1] Using APA formatting, in a 1 page paper, address the relationship between emotional intelligence and leadership. Does learning about emotional intelligence change your view of what you can do to become a better leader? In what ways will you try to improve your emotional intelligence to improve your leadership style? [ad_2] Source link

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

[ad_1] For career advancement, Susan, your boss has asked you to read this “weird” book called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. She is confused by Part IV, on the last page of Chapter 32, in Zen (and also in the “Afterword”), wherein Pirsig writes: “We’ve won it” (373). Susan wants to know: WHAT […]

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

[ad_1] For career advancement, Susan, your boss has asked you to read this “weird” book called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. She is confused by Part IV, on the last page of Chapter 32, in Zen (and also in the “Afterword”), wherein Pirsig writes: “We’ve won it” (373). Susan wants to know: WHAT […]

Part II in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. and quality writing

[ad_1] Please read Part II in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Go back and read what you have written for Assignment 6 & Assignment 7. Answer this question in 600 words or less: How has your sense & understanding of “quality” evolved? Cite Part II of our book (multiple times). Use MLA format. […]

Part II in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. and quality writing

[ad_1] Please read Part II in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Go back and read what you have written for Assignment 6 & Assignment 7. Answer this question in 600 words or less: How has your sense & understanding of “quality” evolved? Cite Part II of our book (multiple times). Use MLA format. […]

Concept Integration Paper

[ad_1] Pick an obstacle in your life/work that shows up with consistency that you are beginning to rethink based on the readings to date.  Create multiple connections to the readings (up to this point in the class) as you examine your obstacle (parenting, relationships, work type/approach are all fair game obstacles). [ad_2] Source link

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Review examples of scholarly research related to general psychology and discuss John B. Watsons behaviorism theory, Robert Winchs Complementary Needs Theory and William Stanley Jevons, Lon Walras, and Carl Menger Value Theory mentioned in these articles.  Analyze the extent to which these theories could serve as a framework for your proposed (or School-approved) {how […]

Edit/rewrite: Project 2 Public Health Social Media post

[ad_1] Defend a communitys need for a particular public health initiative. ScenarioYou are one of the medical providers at a clinic associated with the local health department. It has been noticed that more patients in the clinic waiting room have been reading medical news on their smartphones. Many of the patients have conversed with staff […]

And topic

[ad_1] Task : Writing Literature CriteriaDistinguished(4 points)    The student has submitted a story that is at least five pages in length and shows a clear, developed, and thoughtful plotline.The student has logically articulated and developed the theme, meaning, and characters of the story.The student uses literary techniques, such as effective dialogue and figurative language, to […]


[ad_1] Our major assignment for this semester is to build a website for educators to learning about and access resources for implementing SEL in their classrooms, and to do so in ways that are culturally responsive to their students. Before we delve into that, the question to you is – what makes for a good […]

Final reflection

[ad_1] Finally, this semester we read, Angela Duckworths Grit, Sidney Harris What Should True Education Do and Mike Roses I Just Wanna Be Average, and we went from face to face to online learning. By switching to a different platform of learning, many of you struggled but did not give up. In fact, we began […]