strategic career

[ad_1] Having a personal strategy can increase your odds of achieving success (however defined) in your life. This does not mean your life will play out as you plan but rather that you can and should have an active role in creating and shaping opportunities available to you. If you think about it, individuals are […]

Limited ScreenTime

[ad_1] Parents have numerous decisions to make when raising a child. As an early childhood educator, you may encounter families who have views that are different from your own. Select a topic of choice for parents and discuss the positives and negatives of that choice. Suggestions for topics include, but are not limited to:   […]

RE: Week 3 Discussion

[ad_1] One of the most concerning issues for students today is plagiarism.  While everyone knows that you cant pass off someone elses work as your own, and technology makes it easier and easier to spot plagiarism, a growing number of college students still do it.  The question is, Why? Of the four options listed below, […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] First, lets consider this question based on what youve learned over this course:1. We all have come into this course with values and beliefs around professional presence, whether they emanate from our own work experiences and organizational norms, or based on what we have observed in watching how professionals present themselves. What does professionalism […]


[ad_1] Please read the summative assignment carefully, this is what you have to work on. The company is Uniqlo. There is a structure on page 3 of the summative assignment, please follow it. Also, I have done the formative assignment, please have a look at the feedback and edit on it. You can keep the […]

Please carefully read and provide a synopsis of the following articles. Plan to devote 1.5 pages to each article. The first article can be found under Zimbabwe on the course Moodle site. The New Yorker article is listed under the homework assignments.

[ad_1] Please carefully read and provide a synopsis of the following articles.  Plan to devote 1.5 pages to each article. The first article can be found under Zimbabwe on the course Moodle site. The New Yorker article is listed under the homework assignments. Articles about 2 texts about africa, I need a summary that is […]

Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness

[ad_1] Please respond to the following: Many companies use their brand as a competitive advantage. Given your knowledge about the global economy, identify three brands you believe have the strongest likelihood of remaining a source of advantage in the 21st century and explain why. Explain the effects you believe the Internet’s capabilities will have on […]


[ad_1] You are assuming the role of teacher in this exercise.  A student submitted a paper in response to an assignment in your class.  A second student has come to you indicating he is aware the first student plagiarized on this assignment.  You ask a few questions to get a better understanding of the accusations […]

Role Modeling in Media

[ad_1] Please no citations, and use easy english grammar because english is my second language. Please don’t forget to include pictures as examples (for page number 7 and 8), and use a lot of examples connected to the Kuwaiti and Arab culture. There will be an attachment that includes all of the requirements that should […]

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

[ad_1] what your first thoughts concerning your novel choice were just based on the title. What did you think it was going to be about, i.e. what expectations did you have? Then, how did you feel once you had finished the novel? Did you connect with any of the characters, situations, ideas, etc…? Simply title […]

Preciosn medicine

[ad_1] Answer question below Precision medicine is the practice of tailoring medical treatment to the individual characteristics of each patient, which may include hormone testing, genome sequencing, and customized drug therapies. Do you think precision medicine will increase or decrease race and class-based health disparities? Not required to use sources [ad_2] Source link

juvenile justice system

[ad_1] The point of this assignment is to encourage you to do the reading before the class period and engage critically with that reading.  Your questions should show that you have done the reading and thought critically about it and its relationship to the course.  You may reference your own life, current events, or relate […]