[ad_1] Case Study 7 – ETHICAL DILEMMA: DECLINING SALES (p. 344) Students will complete a weekly case study paper, which requires that they apply the concepts they are learning from the class textbooks to a hypothetical scenario between fictional employees. In each paper, students will need to demonstrate the ability to apply a thorough understanding […]


[ad_1] What topic in General Psychology would you like to investigate in more depth? The paper is to be developed in the following ways: You will need to conduct a review of the published research literature and write a concise summary and evaluation of the research that is related to your area of interest. The […]

Aztec & Spanish Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico

[ad_1] 2 Page Essay on Aztec & Spanish Accounts of the Conquest of Mexico Here are the sources provided: How Interpreters Helped Topple the Aztec Empire excerpts from Bernal Diaz del Castillo, The Conquest of New Spain excerpts from The Broken Spears [ad_2] Source link

Criminology, Victimology and Restorative Justice

[ad_1] In what ways would understanding the causes of crime aid offenders in the restorative justice process? use examples of criminology theories. How do restorative justice principles aid in providing justice for victims? How does restorative justice aim to serve society better than the traditional, adversarial model of justice? [ad_2] Source link


[ad_1] Gangs have become increasingly more violent over time and have increased their drug activity and other illegal activities to support themselves and to help recruit new gang members, often from U.S. middle and high schools. In this scenario, you have been asked to begin a gang initiative within a community that has suffered an […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] In the SANS IT article in the Unit 6 content forum, the author discusses Denial of Service Attacks and how destructive these network intrusions can be for an organization of any size. For this discussion: 1.) Explain the steps a security manager can take to protect against these attacks to a businesss server.  Please […]

Critique/Summary Paper “The Martian.” by Andy Weir or directed by Ridley Scott.

[ad_1] Critique/Summary PaperInstructions for Critique/Summary Paper Instructions for Summary Paper:1. Cover page2. Content page3. Bibliography You will be writing a paper critique of a story/book/movie. The body of the paper needs to be 2 complete pages and no more than 3 pages (minimum 600 words) double-spaced typing; in lieu of direct quotes use in-text citations […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Write a 500 word definition essay on one of the terms or concepts from the list provided below. Use other modes of writing, such as description, exploratory, and persuasion (argumentation) to produce a well-developed definition for your term or concept.  Choose your terminology carefully; you want to select a term/concept that is rich in […]

Critical Assignment- ORG512

[ad_1] The Critical Assignment will be a paper of your learning from the course (PLEASE USE THE BOOK ATTACHED FOR THIS PAPER) (READ ALL NECESSARY CHAPTERS), blended with the experiences you have had in your work life. Sections to address include (you may use these following phrases as headings): 1. strategies for negotiation and dispute […]

post and reply

[ad_1] 1. post and reply, but make post longer and reply shorter. Post should be around 200 words and reply should be around 100 words.2. The PDF called Solomon is the one that I picked.3. The quotation from the text just use this “” and add the page number of where the quote is in […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Final Research Project Outline-Section SubheadingsTopic:  A link between mental health and child obesity? Sections should include the following areas written in paragraph form with subheadings: IntroductionShort introduction of the proposal (2-3 sentences)Statement of the Problem (1-2 sentences)Purpose of the Study (2-3 sentences)Limitations (about 1 sentence per limitation)Hypothesis(es) (1 sentence per hypothesis)Definition of Terms (1 […]