
Imagine you are a teacher in a classroom on the first day of classes and you notice that one of your students cuts himself accidentally and begins to bleed. You get your first-aid kit and you use gauze to cover the wound and stop the bleeding. However, you notice that your student does not stop […]

An analysis about Oliver Twist

A.What is the thesis(main point)of the article? B.What are the major points that support the author’s thesis? C.What is the method of development used in the article? Does the author use textual evidence through references to the text that is under consideration?Or does the author rely more upon the history,religion,or culture surrounding the creation of […]

Tax evasion

There is a lot of news about how large corporations evade taxes. Businesses commit tax evasion the same way individuals do: they under-report income, overstate deductions, claim too many tax credits, and sometimes hide money through laundering or illegal accounting schemes. The Tax Gap is the difference between how much the IRS should collect and […]


Everyone has heard the phrase “two heads are better than one,” and this is can be said to be an advantage of partnering with someone in business. There are quite a few benefits to having a partner and quite a few drawbacks as well. Using a minimum of 450 words, discuss some advantages and disadvantages […]

System Analysis Tips and Tricks / Wrap-up

During this term we talked a lot about system analysis and design, looked at many examples, and saw just how many areas we have to be aware of in designing a system Are there any tips we could walk away with, e.g., what do you believe is necessary for good system analysis and design? Sample […]

Organizational Culture and Values

Discuss how nurse leaders serve as advocates for their employees. Describe how advocacy for employees affects patient care and outcomes. Discuss barriers caused by an organizational culture that can be encountered by nursing leaders that can make them feel powerless. Discuss how nurse managers and nurse leaders contribute to the re-engineering of health care. Continuous […]

Environmental Ethics

Description Environmental Ethics Position Paragraph Your task is to write a paragraph (maximum length of one page double spaced) that analyzes one of the following environmental ethical issue. You choose which issue to write about; in this assignment, reflect deeply on a topic that matters to you. You must argue your position with ethical theory […]

Final Caribbean Studies

Description 1900-2000 words double spaced. Readings: Module 1 Course Overview and Introduction Topics Defining the Caribbean Diversity An invented region Colonialism and neocolonialism Colonies of settlement and colonies of exploitation Diasporas Learning Objectives By the end of this module, you should be able to: Define the Caribbean � geopolitically, historically, and culturally. Explain the diversity […]

Class project

Description CLASS PROJECT INFORMATION Students will choose a current contemporary health issue (approved by the professor) to investigate and become an expert. Students need to incorporate a detailed explanation of the topic, in addition to, examining current research being conducted in the field from primary articles. Further details on project requirements are outlined in Class […]

Community information gathering

Incorporate all of the information you have gathered from the community—including the population itself, health data, interviews/conversations with interested community members, and your community assessment, including your Windshield Survey—as well as what you have gathered from scholarly literature to propose measurable interventions. Measurable interventions mean that the results can be measured through some data that […]

PHN working at a local public health department in the nursing division.

Scenario: You are the PHN working at your local public health department in the nursing division. It is the middle of summer and you have been receiving telephone calls asking about “the flu season” since the vaccine wasn’t accurate in predicting the strains of influenza that affected your community last year, and many people contracted […]

Leadership skills

Demonstrate my leadership skill and write a long and reach text while answering those what are the first words that come to mind to describe this student? do you think this student has the potential to be a transformative leader? please write a situation where she made a contribution to her community – large or […]