Explain your interpretation of what occurred in the dialogue, including social work practice theories, and explain how it might relate to diversity or cultural competence covered this week.

Social Work Values and Ethics Important Note: Please use the media player below to hear an audio course introduction that will give you more background information about the course topic. Also provided is a transcript for you to download and print out. Laureate Education. (Producer). (2013). Social work values and ethics [Audio file]. Retrieved from Note:  The […]

Conservative Protestants (“evangelicals”) shared with conservative Catholics certain concerns about trends in American society. Which is NOT an accurate statement of beliefs they held in common?

1. Conservatives in the late 1970s and 1980s criticized many trends in American culture. Ironically, one of their targets was also a key to their success. This was the Congress. the Supreme Court. professional sports. television. 2. All of the following groups voiced criticism of television programming EXCEPT evangelicals. feminists. political conservatives. advertisers. 3. An […]

Would we get along, or would we fight?  Would we cooperate or compete?

Prologue, Chapters 1 and 2, and Epilogue   Myths and storytelling are an integral part of the human experience.  Remember that anthropologists use the term “myth” in a way that is different from common usage.  When an anthropologist refers to a specific story as a “myth,” s/he does not mean that it is false.  Anthropologists define myths […]

Explain the issues affecting the help-seeking behavior of Hedda Nussbaum, including issues in the victim and offender response system that inhibited appropriate intervention

Topic #1A: What is Abuse? Family violence is a simple phrase, but it encompasses a horrifying list of abusive behaviors, both physical and psychological, inflicted by one family member on another…The list is endless. There is seemingly no end to the horrors some human beings can inflict on those whom this society calls their ‘loved […]

Team Collaborative Outline Exercise

Written Assignment: Team Collaborative Outline Exercise The following is a list of ideas that were brainstormed in a meeting with your company employees. The company needs to include all these ideas in an all-company presentation, but the list is very disorganized right now. What would be the best way to sort these ideas into some […]

identify the county public administrator you selected and the ethical dilemma associated with his or her role in the scandal.

When performing the functions of a public administrator, your realm of responsibility typically requires you to take standard, established actions to resolve challenges. This standard approach may involve objective responsibilities, whereas, other situations might compel you to take responsibility according to your personal ethical code and internal sense of accountability and imposed obligation. Situations may […]

Briefly (and without using formal nursing diagnosis terminology) explain each step of the nursing process (ADOPIE) as it might apply to a person who smokes tobacco.

One-two paragraphs, APA format and please provide references. (Discussions due Tuesday)   (1)Jean-Baptiste Lamarck believed that physical diversity among animals could be explained by physical stressors experienced by one generation being passed on to the next. Giraffes, therefore, have long necks because one giraffe, a long time ago, had to stretch out and reach for […]

Review the “Cambodian Culture” and the NOHS ethical standards.

Discussion: Meeting the Needs of Immigrants—Part 2: Trauma The concept of trauma encompasses many types of experiences, ranging from natural disasters to violence and war. What they have in common are the results produced in their victims—extreme damage to their psychological functioning and well-being. For this Discussion, you focus on a types of trauma that […]

Short Essay Responses Assignment #1 (Emma Larkin’s Finding George Orwell in Burma)

Short Essay Responses Assignment #1 (Emma Larkin’s Finding George Orwell in Burma) Please type and single-space your responses to the following questions, clearly labeling the question being addressed and utilizing standard margins and a 12-point font. Your responses will be based primarily on the Larkin text, along with the chapters by Aung San Suu Kyi (“In Quest of Democracy” and […]