Mexican revolution

Narrative of the Mexican Revolution Use four or five murals (by any muralist) to create a narrative on the Mexican Revolution. For instance, you might want to use the murals to come up with a beginning, a process and an end of the Revolution. Or you might just want to create a narrative of the […]

Discussion 2: Optimizing Sampling And Data Collection

  The data that you collect from your norm group is called normative data. It allows you to see what the results of your test instrument should be, so that you have a standardized score against which to compare others. In other words, it allows you to equate scores across different tests of the same […]

Case Study -5 BE

 Read Aggressive Sales Quotas or Unfair Business Practice? and complete the questions at the end of the case study.  Please answer all questions. In the link provide.


Discussion: Prejudice People often use jokes to test the boundaries of what is considered offensive. Under the guise of humor, the joke teller can attempt to minimize any offense taken by defending the humor as just a joke. Clearly, an attempt to belittle or demean others as a form of humor is distasteful. And in […]

Prof Eliud – HRM

  Scenario: You are an HR manager of a company that since its inception has only operated locally. In a recent meeting your boss informed you that the company is planning to go global in the next 1 to 2 years. She would like an introduction from you on HR related issues for a global […]

Research Methods

Research Methods Essay 1.    Think of some challenges you have faced in your current or previous employment. 2.    Summarize the problem, develop a Research Question, and state the Null and Alternative Hypotheses that could be used to solve this problem. 3.    Explain whether the hypotheses are concerned with relationships between variables or differences between groups. […]

How to develop a research question for an essay

informal EssayFor this assignment you will visit the Library Resources and Academic Integrity page, complete at least one tutorial or workshop, reflect on what you have learned, and set some personal goals in a brief informal essay Written Assignment InstructionsIn your essay, please be sure to respond to the following guiding questions: Which tutorial(s) did […]

PICOT Question

Assignment Criteria:1 Describe the clinical or administrative problem related to the PICOT question below: In critical care patients with central lines (P), how does proper insertion and care (I) Compare to improper insertion and care (C) affect the reduction rate of central line-associated infection (O) within one year (T)? Formulate the PICOT question in the […]


PLEASE USE ATTACHED RESOURCES WHEN DOING THIS ASSIGNMENT NO EXCEPTIONS Local Organization is:  Counseling and Resource Center of Dearborn   As your required text suggests, research is not only for those in academia. It is often a crucial consideration in leadership positions throughout organizations. In this discussion, consider the organization you currently work for, or […]

Must you be a supervisor to be a leader?

Do you have to hold a position as a police supervisor to be a police leader? Why, or why not? Can you think of a position in an organization where someone can be successful as a leader without the responsibility of supervision? The post Must you be a supervisor to be a leader? appeared first […]

Music Appreciation Introduction

 Instructions:  Develop an essay introducing yourself.  Your contents should included your college major, interest in music, any musical experiences as well as future musical aspirations.  Include the ways that music affects you and your environment.  Discuss how music has affected our society both positively and negatively.  Include your favorite music types/styles.  This assignment should be […]

Feminist In Media

Everyone in the group should present one or two pieces of popular media that you enjoy. This could be a favorite tv show, book, magazine, vlog, blog, podcast, movie, graphic novel series, music video, etc.  As you present your choices, don’t assume that everyone in your group is familiar – tell us about it.  Then, […]