Population of Interest and Research Problem

The final paper is due the last day of class. Students should be prepared to make a brief (5 minutes) oral present highlighting what they learned through their literature review. The final paper should include the following sections (include headings): 1. Introduction (approx. 1 page) Describe the importance of the problem in a social context and/or […]

Violence risk assessment

Violence risk assessment is an important clinical duty in all settings. In the correctional setting, it is imperative that these assessments are routinely administered and monitored. In your role as a forensic mental health professional, one of your vital duties will be to ensure that potentially violent offenders are adequately assessed and that interventions are […]

older adults' usage of digital technology

part 1: You did nice job discussing how venturousness, technological anxiety, and cognitive age might impact older adults’ digital technology usage.  Thinking about the findings presented by Peral-Peral, Arenas-Gaitán, and Villarejo-Ramos (2015), do you think there are other factors besides the three they examined that are important to consider when thinking about older adults’ usage […]

Multiculturalism and Diversity

Multiculturalism and Diversity  This discussion has two parts: Part 1: In your initial post to this discussion, describe a student or client with whom you have worked where you needed to consider diversity and multicultural competence. This should be a client who is a first or second generation person to live in the United States. […]

Describe the importance of the problem in a social context and/or service delivery context.

Articles: Study: Author, title, year Prisoner Reentry: A Public Health or Public Safety Issue for Social Work Practice. George T. Patterson. 2013. Study: Author, title, year Prisoner Reentry: A Public Health or Public Safety Issue for Social Work Practice. George T. Patterson. 2013. Study: Author, title, year Family Services in Adult Detention Center: Systemic Principle […]

Facing Bereavement for Youth

Facing Bereavement for Youth Francesca Balzano, Lily Spinelli, Molly Stedman Why Topic Was Selected BECAUSE WE’RE METAL. On a more serious note, we all have an interest in helping those who are facing the loss of loved ones, specifically children and adolescents. Molly Helpful Information Honesty is best when discussing death, especially with children Young […]

action planning and overcoming barriers for client treatment.

If counseling is all talk and no action it is not effective counseling. The problem is that clients encounter many barriers in carrying out actions they identify in the counseling process. Write a 750-1,000-word paper discussing action planning and overcoming barriers for client treatment. Please use headings and include the following in your paper: Discuss […]


Heredity is of biological significance and hence internal. Enviornment relates to external factors. Personality traits and development in a person in psychology, is in relation to a persons reaction to the enviornment in which he grows. Subjecting his heredity traits to a certain external factors or influence, will determine the personality he develops eventually. But […]

Discuss the characteristics that help make a good teacher

1.Discuss the characteristics that help make a good teacher, including a discussion of the concept of intentionality. 2. “Research + Common Sense = Effective Teaching,” give specific examples of how educational psychology research can enhance effective teaching. 3. You are interested in how teacher feedback written on homework (“good job,” etc.) affects the quality of […]

three different types of learning: learning through association (classical conditioning), learning through reward or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation (observational learning).

In psychology, learning theory refers to how we acquire basic responses and behaviors. We study three different types of learning: learning through association (classical conditioning), learning through reward or punishment (operant conditioning), and learning through imitation (observational learning). Learning theory is explored primarily through the Behavioral perspective, which emphasizes how the environment shapes who we […]

What do you find are the best ways of dealing with stress in your lives? List your best stress reduction strategies, and classify them as problem-focused or emotion-focused coping methods.

This was the question: What do you find are the best ways of dealing with stress in your lives? List your best stress reduction strategies, and classify them as problem-focused or emotion-focused coping methods. this was my answer to the question: Problem related coping is mostly applied in work related stress and in family problems […]

diversity psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and globalization.

Think about the growing influence of the cross-cultural perspective in psychology. Consider the relationships between diversity psychology, cross-cultural psychology, and globalization. How does each enhance our understanding of human behavior? Bring to mind the ways in which feminist and black psychologies have enriched our understanding of human behavior Imagine that you have been given the […]