language or cognitive      development to apply to your selected topic

As mentioned in Week 1, your Final Project consists of a brief literature review on a specific topic within language or cognitive development. In this week, you will provide a brief summary of the topic you selected for your Final Project. The Assignment: Write a brief 100-word summary of the topic you selected for your […]

identifying a topic and explaining its importance in the field of psychology.

Topic for the Final Research Proposal For this assignment you will apply the first step of the scientific method by identifying a topic and explaining its importance in the field of psychology. Choose a topic of interest to you in psychology that is relevant to your current or future career, and search the databases in […]

Explain theoretical concepts using behavioral examples drawn from popular films and the media.

Objective: Explain theoretical concepts using behavioral examples drawn from popular films and the media. Description:  Each student will select a celebrity and discuss this individual’s significant life events and milestones as you see it relates to their personality development. Then, you will apply at least two of the personality theories discussed in the textbook. I […]

Observational and Motor Learning

Observational and Motor Learning During the period of early childhood, mastering fine motor skills is a very important process needed for physical and cognitive development. However, for a number of different reasons, there are some children who do not develop at the same pace as an average child. It is important for parents and physicians […]

The Postulates of a Structural Psychology

Wundt, Titchener, and most other early psychologists used experimental introspection, conducted by highly trained individuals, as their most important observational tool. (a) Why do you suppose this method is no longer used? That is, what is wrong with it? (b) Does it have any ‘descendants?’ That is, are there methods used in today’s cognitive science […]

Applying Psychological Science Paper

Psych 100 (Introductory Psychology) –Fall 2018 Paper assignment: Applying Psychological Science Paper This document pertains to our first paper assignment, the Applying Psychological Science Paper (APSP). As a reminder from the syllabus, APSP #1 is due on Monday, October 8, end of the day (11:59 pm). You should already have received information about this paper […]

The research question for this study is what traits do parents desire in daughter-in-laws and son-in-laws (Apostolou, 2010). This is an interesting topic to study because there is not much research regarding this topic.

CLASSMATE #-1—K.P.   The research question for this study is what traits do parents desire in daughter-in-laws and son-in-laws (Apostolou, 2010). This is an interesting topic to study because there is not much research regarding this topic. For this article, there are a couple hypothesizes. The first is that parents prefer an in law that […]

explore and integrate psychological research into a literature review, addressing current trends in three major areas of clinical and counseling psychology

Literature Review Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the Ryder, Ban, & Chentsova-Dutton (2011) “Towards a Cultural-Clinical Psychology,” American Psychological Association (2014) “Guidelines for Prevention in Psychology,” Hage, et al. (2007) “Walking the Talk: Implementing the Prevention Guidelines and Transforming the Profession of Psychology,” and Rivera-Mosquera, et al. (2007) “Prevention Activities in Professional […]

examine these issues through the lenses of different U.S. immigrant cultures and how a health psychology professional might educate medical personnel on the culture's beliefs.

Group C Discussion – Week 7: Chinese Culture COLLAPSE Top of Form Pregnancy and Childbirth Today, health care providers in the U.S. rely heavily on a biomedical model when considering the interaction of a developing child and its mother. However, even a biomedical model is culturally influenced. Different cultures have different ideas about when a […]

A PDP explains how you, individually, came to the decision to begin your graduate studies, what you envision for yourself and others when you complete the degree, and what objectives or steps you need to define in order to realize your dream and become your previously envisioned “future self.”

You have already identified many resources in your network—in this class and outside the university—and within the wider Walden community. Support is best used when you know what you need; it is hard to get support in building a ladder if you do not know what a ladder looks like. If you have an idea […]