Descriptive essay


Compose a descriptive essay that focuses on providing illustrations and examples based on one of the topics listed below (500-word minimum, 600-word maximum). Identify this assignment as “Formal Essay 2.”
CHOICE 1: Describe the worst or best city in which you have ever lived either by choice or profession. Compose this essay from the first-person point of view of a resident. Choose only one: best or worst. This essay must include at least three specific points of interest (best) or disappointment (worst).
CHOICE 2: Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, others) has a negative effect on personal relationships. Compose this essay from the first-person point of view of a social media user. NOTE: If you do not agree with this topic, do not choose it.
CHOICE 3: Describe an elderly person whom you know. The American Heritage Dictionary defines the word elderly as “the stage of life well past middle age.” Compose this essay from your own first-person point of view. CAUTION: Do not use a person that you have used in a previous essay.
In your essay include at least four of the following senses: taste, smell, vision, hearing, touch. Do not simply use the sensory words; show the sensory words like in Daily Writing 2.2.
As a matter of clarification, do not use forms of the following words in the essay: hear, feel, touch, taste, see, look, smell. Instead, use sensory details.
Quotations over four lines (accumulative) are not permitted in this assignment. No research or citations are assigned or required.
Paragraph divisions provide transition, clarity, and organization to an essay. Since this is a fundamental English composition course, this best guidance that I can give for paragraph divisions for a 500- to 600-word essay is to adhere to the standard, five-paragraph format: introductory paragraph, body (minimum three supporting paragraphs), and a concluding paragraph. To review the model essay handout posted in the Handouts and Course Documents section, click here.

For tips on paragraph division, click here.
When you are ready to submit this assignment, click “Week 2 Formal Essay” in the red caption above. After clicking that link, you will see these same directions.
Do not type anything in the “Write Submission” box or the “Add Comments” box. Find the “Attach File” caption, click “Browse My Computer,” and attach your completed essay assignment. Make sure to click “Submit” and allow sufficient time for your assignment to upload before exiting the page.
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