Explain the classification system used in biology to organize living creatures

All questions must be answered in full sentences. Answers should be approximately 125 words each. Material should be taken from Biology: The core, Mastering Biology, discussions, and activities. Exp

All questions must be answered in full sentences. Answers should be approximately 125 words each.   Material should be taken from Biology: The core, Mastering Biology, discussions, and activities.

  1. Explain the classification system used in biology to organize living creatures. Pick two organisms from each Kingdom and explain why they are placed in that kingdom.
  2. There are four unique properties of water that make it central to life on earth. Explain, in detail, each of these four properties.
  3. Explain the forces and mechanisms that are at work making a Staphyloccus infection an increasingly serious health threat.
  4. Explain the difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond.
  5. Compare the inputs and outputs of photosynthesis with the inputs and outputs of cellular respiration.
  6. What are the sex chromosomes and how do they differ between male and female?
  7. Compare the products of mitosis with the products of meiosis.
  8. Explain how reproductive barriers result in the development of different species.
  9. Explain why taking antibiotics helps cures “Strep throat”, but does not help cure the common cold or the flu.
  10. Explain how natural selection drives evolution.
  11. Describe the force that allows a “water strider” or “water walker” insect to stay on top of the water.

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