Foundations Of Information Systems Paper

Foundations Of Information Systems Paper

In recent years some organizations have become more intentional and strategic about the way in which they learn and how they capture and transform knowledge into organizational improvements.

Learning organization is defined as one that is characterized by continuous learning for continuous improvement and by the capacity to transform itself. The definition captures a principle but in and of itself is not operational.

Employees are the firm foundations having a common vision. The sense and interpret their changing environment. Foundations Of Information Systems Paper.  They generate new knowledge which they use in turn to create innovative products and services to meet customer needs aligned around.

There are some basic fundamental components which include but are not limited to systems-level, continuous learning, that is created in order to create and manage knowledge outcome which lead to improvements in the organization’s performance, and ultimately its value as , measured through both financial assets and non-financial intellectual capital. Learning helps people to create and manage knowledge that builds a system’s intellectual capital.



Looking at the firms foundations globally they provide strategic leadership for learning which connects the organization to its environment. The leadership helps empower people towards a collective vision. The organization than create system to capture and share learning which helps in encouraging, collaboration and team learning. Individuals promote inquiry and dialogue within these teams and the process continues with continuous leaning and transformation.

There are different ways to understand the roles that individuals play in creating system learning. People are appointed or otherwise anointed by followers to act on behalf of a system generally the middle managers. When these individuals learn and are trained they can take their learning back to the system.

When the system is also designed to use this leaning a system is said to learn. The system must have structures, process and a culture in place to embed and support organizations learning in order to make it permanent and routine. Learning can endure even if people do not. People increasingly work on a part time or temporary basis. They might work at home are often connected virtually around the globe through technology. System level learning must be continuous because in today’s turbulent environment conditions frequently shift. The system must be in touch with these changes and able to respond to them adaptively to meet new demands. Foundations Of Information Systems Paper.

Another component involves intentional, effective management of knowledge outcomes that are the result of learning. Learning of individuals and subsequently of the entire system is the process that makes the creation the use of knowledge meaningful. A different component drives the changes put in place that is the difference they make to the bottom line. The learning organization is a means to an end not an end in itself. Outcomes differ by type of organization but in all cases they are measured in some way by financial and non – financial indicators of success.

The intellectual capital is built by developing continuous learning in individuals, teams and the organizations, and by using system to capture and share learning in order to create and manage knowledge effectively. Continuous learning opportunity applies primarily to the design of work in such a way that people can stop and learn from problems, challenges and mistakes. Using these effectively and benefiting from them is important since the best way to learn is to learn from the challenges that are brought and mistakes do not occur again.

People learn and as they learn they also change. It is seldom possible to predict fully what people will do as their powers of direction and actualizations are released. Systems are not always able to notice, interpret, learn from and capitalize on every result and outcome. The learning organization is a complex innovation. Multiple partners within and outside the organization work together collaboratively to guide the process. They do so within a dynamics open systems framework that keeps the entire system in touch with the changing environment.

Training and learning infrastructures provide time, money and opportunities for learning. Noth try to align learning activities and business goals.

Technology and globalization have led to an economy based on knowledge. Knowledge workers now outnumber industrial workers by 4 to 1. Continuous learning and knowledge provide the key raw material for wealth creation have become the fountainhead of organizational and personal power.

Knowledge has become more important for organizations than financial resources, market position, technology, or any other company asset. Knowledge is seen as the main resource used in preforming an organization’s work. The company’s tradition, culture, technology, operations, systems and procedures are all based on knowledge and expertise. Knowledge is necessary to increase employees’ abilities to develop and implement improvements there by providing quality service to clients and consumers. Knowledge is required for updating products and services, changing systems and structures and communications solutions to problems. Foundations Of Information Systems Paper. In the new knowledge economy, individuals at every level and in all kinds companies will be challenged to develop knowledge, take responsibility for their new ideas and pursue them as far as they can go. The job of the leader will be to create an environment that allows workers to increase knowledge and act on it.


Organizations knew best what their people employees should do. They took in lead in teaching people what they wanted then to do to be effective. Over time much training grew into a systematic routine set of procedures. Its aim was specific sub-sets of knowledge and skill. Training was oriented primarily to classroom-based activities that were developed to teach employees what the organization felt they ought to be doing in their jobs.

Training is only one part of the of the equation in a knowledge era where command and control hierarchies have given way to flatter networked, decentralized places to work. People often have want and are expected to take more control of their learning. Learning infrastructures have grown up around these new needs. Learning takes place around the clock. Learning is frequently integrated with work. People learn what they need to do their job just-in-time as they face challenges that require new knowledge or skills. Knowledge often is created in action rather than before action. Classroom activities are still part of a learning infrastructure. But learners often choose the courses they want to with less direction from the organization. They might even choose how they want to learn. Learning could still be delivered through a workshop but it might also arise through on-the-job training, personal reading and study interaction with peers or coaches, or through intranet-based activities.

Increasing, work and learning are becoming the same thing. Learning is at the heart of the productive activity. The new global economy is based on knowledge work and innovation, there is a convergence between work and learning. While you perform knowledge work you learn. And you must learn minute by minute if you are to perform knowledge work effectively. Learning is becoming a lifelong challenge as well as a lifelong process.

In the new economy the learning component of work is huge. It includes everything from a software developer creating a new multimedia application to the manager responsible for corporate planning at a bank, to the consultant assessing a client’s markets, to the entrepreneur starting up a new business. Learning has indeed become the new form of labour in the twenty-first century. Foundations Of Information Systems Paper.

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