HCM 340 Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric Overview: In Module Four, you examined some of the recent initiatives aimed at improving the performance of the healthcare system. As you learned in your module readings, healthcare should be safe, effective, timely, efficient, equitable, and patient-centered. These six key dimensions form the basis for all quality and payment reform strategies implemented since the release of healthcare improvement plans. Prompt: In this milestone, you will identify and analyze an initiative that addresses the gap you chose as the topic for your final project. Explain what the initiative is, identify the goals of the initiative, describe the circumstances around its development, and identify sources of funding. Tip: So far in the course, you have been introduced to the Kaiser Family Foundation and Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) websites. These websites may also be helpful to you as you conduct your research on an existing initiative. Your milestone should address each of the following points in detail:
• Explain an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access. • Explain the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access. • Describe the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative. Consider when the initiative was developed and what factors were
considered. • Describe the resources required to fund the existing initiative. • Explain why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Existing Initiative: Address
Gap Explains an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access
Explains an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access
Existing Initiative: Goals Explains the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access
Explains the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access
• Explain an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access. • Explain the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access. • Describe the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative. Consider when the initiative was developed and what factors were
considered. • Describe the resources required to fund the existing initiative. • Explain why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement.
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper must be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and at least three sources cited in APA format.
Critical Elements Proficient (100%) Needs Improvement (75%) Not Evident (0%) Value Existing Initiative: Address
Gap Explains an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access
Explains an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain an existing healthcare initiative that was put in place to address this gap in access
Existing Initiative: Goals Explains the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access
Explains the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain the specific goals of the existing initiative in place to address this gap in access
Existing Initiative: Development
Describes the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative
Describes the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative, but description is unclear or incomplete
Does not describe the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative
Existing Initiative: Resources Describes the resources required to fund the existing initiative
Describes the resources required to fund the existing initiative, but description is illogical or contains inaccuracies
Does not describe the resources required to fund the existing initiative
Existing Initiative: Improvement
Explains why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement
Explains why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%
Describes the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative
Describes the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative, but description is unclear or incomplete
Does not describe the circumstances around the development of the existing initiative
Existing Initiative: Resources Describes the resources required to fund the existing initiative
Describes the resources required to fund the existing initiative, but description is illogical or contains inaccuracies
Does not describe the resources required to fund the existing initiative
Existing Initiative: Improvement
Explains why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement
Explains why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement, but explanation is cursory or contains inaccuracies
Does not explain why the existing initiative is not meeting its intended purpose and now requires improvement
Articulation of Response Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization
Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas
Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas
Total 100%