The purpose of this final reflective paper is to look back at what you have learned during the all powerpoints and informations of textbook to reflect on it while applying it to your current and future leadership.

This is not a book review.

It is your personal analysis, synthesis and reflection of WHAT you have learned in this course and HOW you will use the knowledge in practicing leadership from a servant-oriented lens.

Please follow all DETAILS: 

This paper is 7 – 9 pages long. – 2% per page deductions for too many or not enough pages.

Title Page – APA format.

I. Introduction: ½ – 1 page – outlines what the paper is going to discuss.

II. Main Body of Paper: 5 – 6 pages

You must include the following:

 1. Theory: 

 Four (4) concepts or ideas from the LDRS Class material that has impacted you and which will better your servant leadership skills now and in your future. You must only use all the course material to date. For example:

§ Blanchard, (2016) The Domains of Leading like Jesus; Heart, Habits, Head, Hands. Leading Positive Change. EGOS Anonymous. 

1) Wilkes (1998) 7 principles; #1 Humble Your Heart, #2 First Be a Follower, #3 Find Greatness in Service, #4 Take Risks, #5 Take up the Towel, #6 Share Responsibility and Authority, and #7 Build a Team.

2) Toister (2017) Understanding Service Culture and Implementing change. 

3) Gary Chapman’s – 5 Love Languages or Robert Greenleaf’s 10 Traits of Servant Leadership.

4) Vision, Mission, Values, and Goals from both Blanchard et al, and Wilkes. 

5) Concepts from readings in the assigned articles from LDRS 300 that impacted you.

6) Ideas or discussions from LDRS 300 lectures, DQ forums, class activities and your Group Project.

2. Your Practical Applications:

How will you use the 4 Servant Leadership concepts, practices, or theories you have chosen to write about now in your Leadership now and in your future career? (If you do not see a use for Servant Leadership practices, concepts or theories then explain why not.)

1) Give examples from other sources or personal experiences.

In what ways do you see the four Servant Leadership practices you wrote about create an environment for success?

2) Give an example. 

What challenges in using these practices, concepts or theories do you anticipate?

III. Conclusion: ½ -1 page – explains a summary of your main thoughts in this paper.

IV. References: 1 page – done in APA format.

Attention, this is important! 

You must include at least 8 Citations in APA format from 4 different sources used in LDRS 300 in your paper.

1. Since this is a reflection paper on the content of LDRS 300, you MUST include references from the sources we used in this class.

1) The three textbooks used in this LDRS 300 classes.

2) Lectures from LDRS 300.

3) Assigned Readings in Moodle for LDRS 300.

2. Other academic sources used throughout this course are permitted to reinforce a thought or theory but do not replace the three textbooks used in this course.

1)Outside peer reviewed academic sources as well as published authors may be used to support your writing but are not to replace the three textbooks used in this course.

However, blogs, social media outlets, Wikipedia, Buzzfeed, Dictionaries, etc. are NOT acceptable sources for references. 


Using APA Style (7th Edition) for paper formatting and references, pay attention to the following:

1. 12pt font, Times New Roman, double spaced, 2.54 cm margins.

2. Include page numbers, references and title page.

3. Use subtitles throughout paper to organize ideas use APA formatting.

4. Each idea/ concept or theory you present must have a reference from the texts, lectures, PowerPoints or assigned readings.

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