identify two personal communication behaviors that they want to improve, and share how they plan to improve one of the behaviors.

Prompt: Compose a self reflection of interpersonal communication behaviors you would like to change. In this assignment identify two personal communication behaviors that they want to improve, and share how they plan to improve one of the behaviors. Share how the improvement of this communication behavior will improve your interpersonal communication habits with others.

This assignment will serve as the start of your midterm project. Each week observe and make notes of the behavior you plan to improve. In week four, you will share how you improved the behaviors in your midterm project.

Instructions: Reflection should be no less than 300 words. Two peer replies required with replies no less than 150 words.

Discussion Board Participation Rubric


Outstanding ContributorContributions reflect exceptional preparation. Ideas offered are always substantive, provide one or more major insights, and spur discussion in new and interesting directions. Challenges are well substantiated and persuasively presented. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of course as a whole would be diminished markedly.


Good ContributorContributions reflect thorough preparation. Ideas offered are usually substantive, provide good insights, and occasionally spur discussion in new direction. Challenges are well substantiated and often persuasive. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would be diminished.


Adequate ContributorContributions reflect satisfactory preparation. Ideas offered are sometimes substantive, provide generally useful insights but seldom offer a new direction for the discussion. Challenges are sometimes presented, are reasonably substantiated, and are sometimes persuasive. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would be diminished somewhat.


Non-ParticipantThis person says little or nothing. Hence, there is not an adequate basis for evaluation. If this person were not a member of the class, the quality of discussion would not be changed.


Unsatisfactory ContributorContributions reflect inadequate preparation. Ideas offered are seldom substantive; provide few if any insights and never a constructive direction for the class. Integrative comments and effective challenges are absent. If this person were not a member of the class, valuable class time would be saved and the quality of the course improved.


NEVER refrain from making a comment for fear of how it may effect your evaluation. This checklist evaluates participation over the span of a course, not your response to a given question, or even your performance on a given day. Much of the time, the only inappropriate questions or comments are those that are not made. Take a chance. Let your opinion be heard.

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