International Marketing and Rule of Law and Ethics Paper

International Marketing and Rule of Law and Ethics Paper

 Explain how you would develop the marketing mix when doing business in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. Provide specific examples for each of the four main components of the marketing mix.

·  Discuss the effects of the Internet, including social media, on international marketing in Brazil, Colombia and Argentina.

·  Recommend legal compliance approaches you would use for Brazil, Colombia and Argentina. International Marketing and Rule of Law and Ethics Paper.

·  Provide three key recommendations to consider regarding ethics and social responsibility in the Brazil, Colombia and Argentina (e.g., intellectual property, competition, corruption).


·  The PowerPoint presentation should consist of 5 slides not including the title slide and slide for APA citations. Images may be included in the presentation but be sure to keep all image sizes low for this presentation.

When businesses deal globally to expand their markets they may face dilemmas which must be dealt with to avoid conflict. The types of issues many companies encounter deal with legal, ethical and cultural encounters. From our example we see the legal issues in settling disputes for international transactions can become very complex. Ethical issues concerning the workers, the culture, and the environment are all contributing factors international companies must be ready to address. CadMex Pharma and Gentura must establish a business agreement that protects both of the company’s interest from issues concerning the social, legal, and ethical norms of the host business. What are the issues involved
These laws will prevail over the individual country of origin laws when both countries agree to the CISG.  International Marketing and Rule of Law and Ethics Paper.Courts from either country would have a hard time enforcing laws against international business in another country. Matters concerning dispute resolution must be agreed upon as companies agree to do business together. What are some practical considerations of taking legal action against a foreign business partner based in another country? Companies seeking to take legal action against a foreign business partner must consider what type of agreement exist between the international businesses. Which laws and court system of each company will prevail? The agreements between international businesses should consider if International arbitration will be used to settle disputes and if the arbitration is binding or nonbinding. International organizations who follow a system of Arbitration which has a high level of acceptance may incur less expense and still maintain a working relationship. Arbitration awards are enforceable in many countries as long as arbitration is international according to the treaty of 1958 Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards (Melvin, 2011. p. 637). If the Companies seek legal action through the court system, each organization will need to have a broad understanding of the legal systems within each country as they seek settlement of. International Marketing and Rule of Law and Ethics Paper.

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