Letter to Donald Trump, as US President


Write a letter to Donald Trump, as US President (not businessman), in NO MORE than 4 (Four) DOUBLE-SPACED pages (can be between 3-4 pages). Please use the article (Globalization in the Age of Trump) and any other relevant videos you feel will help (if you wish), such as Jack Ma Davos 2017,2018, 2019 as a backdrop for the base information.
*Important, I’m trusting you to use tact, judgment, and professionalism. While I can perhaps expect “some” judgment, please LIMIT any bias (positive or negative) to professional concerns, not personal ones. That will be fine since your professional perspectives/opinion/analysis is what I’m looking for. Please make sure you write an actual letter, addressed to the President; do not write this as an academic assignment written to an instructor. You may be impressed with yourself and what this secondary pedagogy can reveal about your communication skills on sensitive/important issues.
In your letter, please address the following issues – but make sure you are writing to him as an OVERALL letter (so utilize the context of the world we currently live in and some of the facets of his presidency):

  1. How do you think the concept of globalization MAY need to change over the next several years?
  2. Are President Trump’s economic policies to eliminate the trade deficit with China beneficial to the US
  3. While most people (including myself) don’t think global trade will cease (of course), the article does suggest
    that there are some real elements of nationalism on the rise. If there is, to some extent, a global rise in
    nationalism, who will be the “winners” and “losers?” Please think carefully about this question – since there may be a number of constituents on both sides.

**In order to do well, please keep in mind several general guidelines:

  1. Please make sure all information you provide is specific to the article AND questions asked. At times, some general info is OK, but never generic info. In other words, please make sure whatever you write about will be relevant.
  2. You will do better on this project if you are in-tune with as much current information you know about
    China and the US as it relates to current international business/trade issues.

Evaluation of Deliverables: All analyses of future activity are subjective; therefore, I do not seek to necessarily assess whether you are right (or wrong) but rather whether you have demonstrated the ability to use reason and logic in presenting your perspective. You are expected to communicate your perspective and analysis in a cogent and coherent fashion. You can be ineffective by not using information, by being inconsistent, and most of all by NOT explaining your thinking and by NOT supporting your subjective analysis using appropriate concepts. The letter should demonstrate how well you can explicitly apply the frameworks and concepts from the article/any relevant videos to analyze a situation.

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