rights and responsibilities of the registered nurse in a specialty clinical area (perioperative setting)

Order Description
This assignment consists of three tasks. Each task is to have certain number of words and requires neither an introduction nor conclusion. References used for this assignment must not be older than 2009 and must be Australian ones.
Task One looks at the specific rights and responsibilities of the registered nurse in a specialty clinical area (perioperative setting), including from the perspective of keeping the nurse and her/his patients/clients physically and emotionally safe. It also raises the issue of legal responsibilities and identifies issues specific to the specialty area.
Write a 500 word paragraph on an issue of safety that you explored in some depth, ensuring it is specifically related to the specialty area (perioperative setting).
The website bellow will help you establish a basis for your reflection and enable you to complete the activity. However, this 500 word paragraph is to have another 3 references.
Task Two-write a paragraph of 600 words on your understanding of the dilemma of providing information to carers while considering the confidentiality concerns relating to the patient/client. This 600 word paragraph is to have 3 references. Don’t forget to consider the ethical implications in your consideration of the issues.
Task Two looks specifically at the rights of clients and in more depth the rights of their carers in the process of treatment and recovery. It raises some questions about how the nursing profession views and deals with the rights of the carers and their need for information, particularly in the context of patients/clients who may lack insight in their care needs.
Where are the carers in the healthcare law and ethics’. It is important to understand that while the holistic approach to health care is preferred it is hard to balance the rights of all parties. What is the nurse’s role in ensuring carers and patients/clients have a say and that all opinions are respected. Sharing of information is fundamental to this consideration. The carers play an important role in providing information to health care professionals but do they have any rights to be consider in the decision making of care if there is no legal directive. The patient/client has rights but do the carers have rights as well. Further to this ethical theorie are often at the foundation of nurse’s approach to care. Ethics of Care theory claims that moral agents (carers, clients, health care professionals and institutions) are not separate entities and that the application of universal ethics is not in appropriate. This theory is based on consensus ethics which incorporates the views of all involved in care (Freegard & Isted, 2012).
Most health care organisations have a patient charter or similar document that is given to patients or clients in the care of the organisation, to explain their rights.
• Find this document for your specialty area (perioperative setting) and read it.
• Consider, who is it aimed at and does it include the rights of the carers as well?
• Is the organisational charter proscriptive in nature allowing no room for flexibility based on ethical considerations
It would also be worth finding out if the health care organisation has specific policies to cover the rights of patients/clients and their carers.
• Go to the organisation’s policies and procedures manual or web page, and find out what the relevant policies are.
• Are there policy for each party or just a general policy that is inclusive, again is there flexibility in the policy
Jot down some answers to these points as they will assist you in completing this assessment task.
Task Three- write a 550 word paragraph on your reflection from the activity bellow. This paragraph is to have 3 references including the reference bellow.
The activity: Read Brian’s story (the link bellow) and write a reflection on how that has changed your perspective or given you some insight into the meaning illness has for Brian’s wife as his care.
This task gives you the opportunity to explore how the various people we interact with in the health care environment make meaning of their illness and of their situation. It also gives you the opportunity to reflect on how you relate to that and to make meaning of your own experiences.
When writing your reflection make sure you consider your own perceptions, morals and ethics.

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