Social Science homework help

Reflection Paper

Reading #2 includes a guided meditation exercise to reduce your stress. Make sure that you watch this 5-minute video (the link is provided below). After completing the exercise reflect on your experience. Did you feel more relaxed? Why or why not? (1-2 paragraphs).



PSY 211 Unit 6 Lecture Notes (OER)

Reading #1 and #2

Trauma and Stressor-Related Disorders

Researchers within the mental health field have devoted much time and effort to studying the impact of stress on human functioning. Social Science homework help. There are two fields that are important in this area. They are:

1) Psychoneuroimmunology-As defined in reading #1, this is the field that studies how psychological factors such as stress influence the immune system and immune functioning.


2) Health Psychology-As per reading #2 this is a field that focuses on the role of psychology in maintaining health, as well as preventing and treating illness.

See the readings for more details!

Stress is a part of the human experience. Stressful events (stressors) can be small everyday events (e.g., waiting in line at the store) or larger more profound events (e.g., going bankrupt). However, what is important to consider in discussing stress is one’s cognitive appraisal of the stressor itself. Cognitive appraisal is a fancy way of referring to how one looks at or thinks about a specific event. Some people are very easy going and let things go easily. Others “make mountains out of molehills.” Take for instance Person X who discovers his roof is leaking. If he is easy going his cognitive appraisal might be something along the lines as: “Well yes, it leaking—no problem—I will have to call a roofer in the morning.” On the other hand, Person Y might appraise the situation in a catastrophic way: “O no I can’t take this—what will I do—this is the worst.” It is quite obvious to see that Person Y will experience more stress than Person X.

Types of Stress

Eustress- “good stress”. This type of stress can be motivating and lead to positive feelings. This is contrasted with distress which leads to negative feelings and impacts our daily functioning.

This concept is also important: daily hassles. These are the small little annoyances that we experience on a daily basis—things we might not wish to deal with (e.g., you go to enjoy a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal and discover someone in your home left just a few crumbs in the box!! Ughh!!) So, these are not major things, but if we have several in one day we might decide that indeed we had a stressful day. Social Science homework help.

Work and Stress

Certain jobs create more stress than others. Shocker!! The concept of job strain is important. Here is a very brief talk on this topic by a leading stress expert: Social Science homework help.

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