Starbucks Case Study



As we examine some of the potential pitfalls of working with customers, and the affects an unhappy customer can have on the long-term profitability of any firm which does not recognize the value of the customer, “Is the customer always right?”

Do we always find the solution customers want?

Even when the best of intentions are made, people miss key details that can make or break an organization. As we begin to develop a practiced, formulaic approach to understanding customer service in the larger sense, it is imperative that we begin by looking at what other have done right/wrong, so not to make the same mistakes, but to repeat the same successes.

You are required to write a 500-600 word essay answering 6 questions (posted below) in your own voice. The case study is attached herein. Think about the case study in terms of your own experiences and how you can apply these questions, and this case study, to your own experience.

Your submission should be in the form of a Word doc. Please submit your deliverable to me via Canvas.

Case Study Discussion Questions

What is the central theme? What is the central issue? What is the purpose of this analysis?
What are/is the stated problem(s)?
Key facts? Key Takeaways?
Your recommendations for the problem(s)?
What (of relevance) is being left out of the discussion?
State your conclusion(s).
Optional Discussion Points:

Pros vs. Cons
Did you learn anything new, or did you see what you expected? Any surprises? Why?
Will this activity make you stop and think about how you do things in your own life?
How will you apply what you have learned?

Sample Solution

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