Survey Project

Part   1

Create   Survey

Create a survey or questionnaire   that could be used and collect data for a purpose or project of your choice.   The idea is to think through the process and identify questions that would   assist you in understanding how data is collected to make meaningful data   visualizations.

Your survey should consist of at   least 25 questions, include at least five items to collect demographic   information.

Within your survey include a at   least three of the following in addition to the 5 demographic questions.

At least:

3 multiple choice questions

3 Yes or No questions

3 Likert Scale Question

3 Open Ended questions

Part   2

Administer   Survey

Distribute   and collect your survey from 30 participants.  (Your classmates are not your participants for your survey project, you will need to give your survey out to people who may be interested in your topic.  You can give your survey to: Friends, Family, Co-worker, Employers, Other Students etc.)

Part   3

Analyze   Results

Compile   your survey data into a spread sheet (Excel) or some other tool (this is your   raw data)

Evaluate   and analyze your survey data to brainstorm creating visual presentations of   your data.  You should include a   variety of data visualization tools such as:    tables, charts, graphs, plots etc.    Be reasonable but creative with your data presentation.  * Microsoft Excel offers a variety of   tools.*

Part   4

Create   Data Visualization

Create   a visual presentation of your survey results

Part   5

Complete   Journal

Reflect   on your development of each part of the survey project.  An optional template has been provided

Make   sure your complete Journal Reflection includes:

  1. An Abstract
  2. A detailed description of your process for   completing each of part of the project.    Parts 1-4.
  3. Include a   Reference Page (this is for any outside sources that you may have used)
  4. Appendix
    • Your survey
    • Raw data
    • Your data visuals

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