What part of the RNA polymerase holoenzyme recognizes the consensus sequence?

Biology homework help Biology 351- Homework Assignment #5 (10 points) This assignment is due on Tuesday February 20th in lab by 11:21AM. Give yourself enough time to print out your assignment in case you have printer problems. I will not accept electronic copies. Hardcopies only, and late assignments are not accepted in the biology department. […]

What measures would you suggest in the plan to actually reduce health risks?

Biology homework help Using the South University Online Library or the Internet, conduct an independent research on the selected disease. Based on your research and understanding, create an 8 to 10 page report in a Microsoft Word document, which include a public education and disease control plan for your identified disease. Infectious diseases come with […]

compare and contrast the political environment during the Clinton Healthcare legislative failure and the Obama Healthcare legislative success.

Biology homework help  After reading chapter 10 case study in the McLaughlin & McLaughlin text, compare and contrast the political environment during the Clinton Healthcare legislative failure and the Obama Healthcare legislative success. Utilize figure 10-1 and 10-2 to identify all the possible agencies involved in the debate and the strengths and weaknesses of each. […]

Explain how animal cells make energy for cellular processes

Biology homework help University of Phoenix Material Cell Biology Worksheet Part I: Foundations of Cell Biology Respond to the prompts in the tables below. Each response should be at least 30 words. Cite any references that you use. Foundations of Chemisty in Biology Prompt Your response Describe an example of a chemical reaction that occurs in the […]

Why aren’t there any cure for genetic disorder?

Biology homework help 1.(THE ATTACK ON PEARL HARBOR) Pick a historic topic/person/event that we have covered in class and do a 15 slide Power Point/Prezi. BE CREATIVE. Please let me know what your topic is by the end of Week 6 so that I may approve it. I want to make sure you do not […]

Discuss the various applications of genomics and biotechnology

Biology homework help Assignment 2: Gene Technology Due Week 8 and worth 120 points Gene technology carries with it social and ethical implications—many of which engender personal views and discussion. Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or […]

Distinguishing between trash and Recycle items

Biology homework help Using the work you completed in Part 1, write your final research report, which should be a minimum of 1,000-1,250-words. Create your conclusion paragraph using your final report outline. Make revisions based on any feedback, comments and/or proofreading you received in the final report outline related to this section. Final Report: Part 1 […]

Distinguish between the greenhouse effect and global warming

Biology homework help BIOLOGY 181 LIFE IN THE OCEANS UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE BUOYANCY EXERCISE Type name here__________________ Any marine animal that is an active swimmer must find some way to maintain neutral buoyancy; that is, it must have the same density as sea water. If it is more dense, it will sink to the […]

Cooperative relationships between microorganisms

Biology homework help Pick one of the following topics and write a primary post of at least 125 words addressing that topic. Also, please make a substantive reply to one of your fellow students. Topic 1. Cooperative relationships between microorganisms. Gearin (2016) describes cooperative relationships between different species of microscopic organisms called syntrophy. Answer the following […]

What are empty calories?

Biology homework help Determine your BMI The point of this exercise is for the student to become familiar with his or her own score using a very common biometric indicator. Conduct the exercise using your own data. However, if you do not wish to disclose your own data, then conduct it again with reasonable fictitious data […]

Which product contains the most calories per serving?

Biology homework help Unit I Homework Nutritional Analysis Worksheet Introduction In Chapters 3 and 4 of the textbook, you learned that the body needs various macro and micronutrients in order to function properly. You also learned about cellular metabolism and what the human body uses as a fuel source. This all seems simple at first glance; […]