Note any gaps in these services and consider what improvements might be made to existing services as well as what services should be added

 Psychology homework help Volunteers and political officials in local communities often campaign to improve conditions and provide services to increase the well-being of individuals and families living in those communities. If you are the parent of young children, you might focus on improving the local school or creating safe places where children can play. If you […]

Which three subfields in      psychology that most interest you?

 Psychology homework help   Assignment 1 Subfields of Psychology Read Chapter 8 in your course text and review the subfields listed in Table 8.3. Locate an additional outside source that lists subfields in psychology or a related field that includes one or more subfields not listed in Table 8.3. Cite the additional source according to APA guidelines […]

considered how you might create an instrument for measuring a phenomenon or client issue

 Psychology homework help In discussion 1, you considered how you might create an instrument for measuring a phenomenon or client issue. For this week’s Discussion 2, choose and evaluate an existing instrument to measure the concept you identified in Discussion 1. Consider how you would compare your original measurement to the existing measurement. To Prepare: Review […]

Explain how nurture and nature play interactive roles in shaping behavior.

 Psychology homework help Unit Assignments Unit II PowerPoint Presentation Imagine that you are a practicing psychologist, and you are the featured presenter for the upcoming psychology conference. Your chosen topic centers upon factors that influence human behaviors and cognitions. In your presentation, you want to teach the audience about biological, evolutionary, and environmental factors that influence […]

Which assessment tool(s) would you use to help evaluate and diagnose Julia’s substance use?

Psychology homework help Discussion—Assessment and Diagnosis Assessment and diagnosis are the first, and most critical, parts of substance use disorder treatment. Without an accurate assessment, the client may not benefit from the treatment options selected. Review the following scenario and address the questions that follow: Julia got into a car accident at the end of her […]

Parenting the teen on the autism spectrum

Psychology homework help Parenting teens. Hm. I describe teenagers as  “2 year-olds in big bodies.” Their developmental milestones are not very different from the toddler, really. They tend to think they are the center of the universe. They want to stand on their own two feet. And you as the parent must not be seen with […]

What do you see as the strengths and weaknesses of the typology?

Psychology homework help Paper needs to be apa format, 3-4 pages,must show references, Career Typology & Choice Holland’s typology and contributions to the career field are well known and widely used as a foundation to career counseling. Holland’s career typology is grounded in the belief that individuals are attracted to particular occupations to fulfill their personal […]

Assessment and Diagnosis

Psychology homework help Discussion—Assessment and Diagnosis Assessment and diagnosis are the first, and most critical, parts of substance use disorder treatment. Without an accurate assessment, the client may not benefit from the treatment options selected. Review the following scenario and address the questions that follow: Julia got into a car accident at the end of her […]

Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership

 Psychology homework help Dominant and Subordinate Group Membership This week you are exploring what it means to have privilege in all aspects of life, whether it be that you are able to enroll in school and take this course, or that you are able to walk, type, see, taste, or purchase/have access to groceries. Having privilege […]