Theoretical Approaches Applied to Group Counseling

Psychology homework help Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resource on your own before you bid. One of the references must come from Corey, M. S., Corey, G., & Corey, C. (2018). I have attached an example of the Venn Diagram and the Template that is supposed to be used. […]

Intervention Strategy Paper

Psychology homework help Intervention Strategy Paper Intervention 3 page paper Present a mutually developed and agreed upon intervention strategy with specific goals and objective. Provide a rationale for your selection. Describe your intervention from beginning to end, including termination. How did you help the client prevent or resolve problems? How did you negotiate mediate and advocate […]

Determine ways in which the vision, mission, and stakeholders of a firm impact that firm’s overall success

Psychology homework help Choose one (1) public corporation in an industry with which you are familiar. Research the company on its own Website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database (, in the University’s online databases, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can […]

Special Issues With The Elderly

 Psychology homework help Special Issues With The Elderly Develop a PowerPoint presentation of 15-18 slides,   addressing clinical issues in the elderly and neglect and abuse of   dependent adults and the elderly. Create speaker notes for each of the   slides. Include the following in your presentation: Part 1: Clinical Issues (cognitive decline, depression,     anxiety, substance use, etc.) […]

Describe the main components of classical conditioning.

Title ABC/123 Version X 1 Week 2 Review Worksheet PSY/203 Version 5 1 University of Phoenix Material Week 2 Review Worksheet The Process of Memory View the following diagram outlining the process of memory, with some processes removed. Using the provided terms, match the letter attached to each term with the corresponding definition. 1.Attention2.3.4. ForgettingForgettingRetrievalForgetting 5.Sensory […]

why it is important for a counselor to engage in self-reflection and critique traditional career theories when working with clients who belong to these minority groups.

Psychology homework help Inclusive Theories in Career Counseling “The earlier theories and approaches to career counseling…were developed before there was much emphasis …on the differeing needs of diverse populations.” (Ratts and Santosin Capuzzi & Stauffer, p. 111). Chapter 4 highlights the need to increase multicultural and diverse population awareness competencies. The text affirms that “promoting issues of […]

How does multicultural identity and career development affect career counseling goals and objectives

Psychology homework help Application: Career Counseling with Diverse and Multicultural Clients Culturally competent career counseling presupposes recognition and an understanding of diverse and multicultural client populations. Chapter 4 reflects the changing American workforce and the concerns of these dynamic groups all of which demand heightened sensitivity by career counseling professionals. To prepare for this assignment: · […]

Career Counseling with Clients Who Have Mental or Substance-Related Disorders

Psychology homework help Career Counseling with Clients Who Have Mental or Substance-Related Disorders  Professionals working in mental health or private practice settings often need to provide career-related counseling similar to that which takes place in other settings. Yet, individuals with mental health problems or substance-related concerns face unique challenges, requiring the professional to consciously balance treatment […]

Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors

Psychology homework help Application: Career Counseling for Clients with Addictive Behaviors Adjusting assessments and methodologies according to a client’s need is fundamental to the career counseling process. As you prepare for this assignment, consider the various scenarios—an individual’s level of career development and drug addiction stage—that can alter the counseling dynamic. To prepare for this assignment: · […]

Evaluate the most common relapse triggers.

Psychology homework help Discussion—Relapse and Pain One of the largest hurdles in recovering from a substance use disorder does not concern getting sober, but rather, staying sober over time. Relapse is a constant threat; clients are consistently battling against their triggers to remain sober. Additionally, many recovering users suffer from pain, sometimes due to the initial […]

Summarize the history and usefulness of the four major contemporary treatment modalities

Psychology homework help LASA 1—Gregory’s Treatment People that abuse substances have individual reasons for what first drove them to begin using these substances in the first place. Some clients started using them through experimentation, peer pressure, or curiosity. However, many users began using substances as a way of dealing with other issues in their lives, such […]