Evaluate one merit and one limitation of using the problem-solving model for this case

 Psychology homework help   The problem-solving model was first laid out by Helen Perlman. Her seminal 1957 book, Social Casework: A Problem-Solving Process, described the problem-solving model and the 4Ps. Since then, other scholars and practitioners have expanded the problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy. At the heart of problem-solving model and problem-solving therapy is helping clients […]

Compare and contrast two research methods

 Psychology homework help A researcher must be knowledgeable of the different quantitative research designs and be able to effectively apply the best design as dictated by the research question. For this assignment, you will create a 3- to 4-page document following the directions below. Part I Compare Methods Compare and contrast two research methods. Give an […]

Discuss psychotherapy options

 Psychology homework help For this Assignment, start by selecting one of the case studies (accessible from the Course Resources) and develop a patient portfolio. The goal of the portfolio is to identify a disorder and recommend a plan of action to help the patient manage his or her symptoms and change behavior for therapeutic outcomes. To […]

Describe the advantages of using a within subject design in the field of behavior analysis when compared to a between subject design

 Psychology homework help Evaluating Interventions For your Discussion you will evaluate research designs and describe how they can be utilize to determine the effectiveness of a behavior management program: Introduction and Conclusion not necessary. Minimum 400 words Include references from : Johnson C.M., Mawhinney, T. C., & Redmon, W.K. (2001). Handbook of organizational performance: Behavior analysis […]

How could you expand on available research to more specifically address your research question? 

Psychology homework help In this milestone, you will work from the topic, applied setting, and research questions you identified in Module Two and start identifying relevant research to support your final proposal. Two major aspects of your final project include selecting foundational theories relevant to your topic and suggesting potential strategies or techniques that may alleviate […]

Describe your friend’s human experience with the disorder. How does it manifest itself in their life? What effects does it have on their life?

Psychology homework help   The assignemnt is: Using information from your text, videos, and learning activities (and your own thoughts) addressing the following scenario in words (4-5 pages): IMAGINE THAT your best friend comes to you for an informal opinion about some unusual symptoms he/she has been experiencing. Choose a disorder for him/her to experience that […]

Explanation of gender identity development

 Psychology homework help   Gender dynamics manifest in families, schools, workplaces–anywhere that humans interact socially. As you explored throughout the course, theories to explain gender development and gender roles have grown in number, as has the body of research to explain the causes and effects of these gender dynamics. Part of Walden University’s mission is to […]

How do we learn language during a process of nurture after being “soft-wired” by nature?

Psychology homework help Chapter 7: Developmental Psychology Human life-span development occurs in several life stages: p. 287 Infancy Early, Middle and Late childhood Early, Middle, and Late adolescence Emerging, Early, Middle, and Late adulthood (Arnett) Development occurs separately but simultaneously, includes: Physical (gross and fine motor skills), social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual p. 287 There are four periods […]

Describe the reciprocal relationship between behavior and attitudes

Psychology homework help In this assignment, you apply and integrate the concepts of attribution, attitude, behavior, and cognitive dissonance. Identify a situation in which an individual was persuaded into a decision to engage in behavior that violated social values, beliefs, attitudes, ethics, and/or morals, such as misrepresenting a product, underreporting income on taxes, falsifying services on […]

Describe a criminal behavior in detail addressing how multicultural characteristics might influence the behavior as well as perceptions of the behavior by society

 Psychology homework help Assignment 2: LASA: Final Project In this assignment, you will write a 10- to 15-page paper applying what you have learned throughout this course. You will build upon the assignment completed in M4 Assignment 2. This paper is to be in the correct APA format, which includes a title page, an abstract page, […]

Describe the methods used to socialize new employees or members into the organizational culture

Psychology homework help   Assignment 1: Characteristics of Organizational Culture Every organization has a culture; however, organizational culture differs from one business to the next. The organizations may have different essential values. In addition, some essential values may be stronger or more pervasive than others, some may create barriers, and some may be more positive than […]

Research and Critique an Experimental Study

 Psychology homework help Research and Critique an Experimental Study Prior to beginning work on this assignment, be sure to have read all the required resources for the week. Find an experimental research study on the topic chosen in Week One for your Final Research Proposal. You may choose to include an experimental study which was included […]