This change management model was created in the 1950s by psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin noted that the majority of people tend to prefer and operate within certain zones of safety


This change management model was created in the 1950s by psychologist Kurt Lewin. Lewin noted that the majority of people tend to prefer and operate within certain zones of safety. As a result, he recognized three stages of change as: unfreeze, transition, and refreeze. On the other hand, Everette Rogers modified Lewin’s change theory and created a five-stage theory of his own. The five stages are awareness, interest, evaluation, implementation and adoption. This theory is applied to long-term change projects. It is successful when nurses who ignored the proposed change earlier adopt it because of what they hear from nurses who adopted it initially (Kritsonis, 2015).

Below is a comparison of the two change theories;

Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory vs. Rogers Change Theory.

Lewin’s Three-Step Change Theory is very rational, goal and plan oriented. It doesn’t take into account personal factors that can affect change. Also, the theory makes rational sense, but when implemented the lack of considering human feelings and experiences can have negative consequences. On the other hand, Roger’s theory is applied for long-term changes and the success of this theory is fully realized when the earlier resistant agents adopt the change and support it this is unlike Lewin’s theory where success is only realized if the driving forces dominate the resistant force (Watson, 2019).

Given that Rogers change theory promotes awareness of the change, encourages interest of implementation of EBP among the involved parties and appraise the achievement of pilot studies before the actual implementation, the theory makes sense in the implementation of my specific EBP in healthcare system.

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