Write: Based on information from your textbook and the required video, assess the changes of the Cold War era at home and abroad: 

Prepare: Read Chapters 10, 11 and 12 in the textbook, and watch the video, The House We Live In

Reflect: The post-war era of the United States is often looked back on as a “Golden Era” yet this was also a period of tension, both at home and abroad. Consider the major events of the Cold War, consider the impact of the Cold War on the world, particularly in places like Germany, Cuba, Vietnam, Korea, Chile, and Afghanistan.

Also consider  the impact that the Cold War had at home, particularly on American culture and society. Reflect deeper on the state of American society in this time period; on the social, economic, and technological gains, but also on the inequalities that existed, particularly those discussed in The House We Live In (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site. Think about how this period, which was a golden era for some, created the need for movements such as the Civil Rights Movement, the American Indian Movement, the Women’s Movement, and movements for immigrants’ rights such as the National Farm Workers Association and Chicano Movement. Consult The Anatomy of a Discussion Board (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

as well as Critical Thinking: A Guide to Skillful Reasoning (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.  as you formulate your response.

Write: Based on information from your textbook and the required video, assess the changes of the Cold War era at home and abroad:

  • At Home:      Select one of the following movements, your chosen movement should be      included in the title of your discussion post:
  • Civil       Rights Movement
  • American       Indian Movement
  • Women’s       Movement
  • National       Farm Workers Movement/or Chicano Movement
  • Answer the      following questions:
  • What       conditions existed which created the need for this movement.
  • What       did this movement accomplish?
  • What       was the United States Government’s response to this movement?
  • What       is an issue that remains to this day?
  • Abroad:How      did the United States’ relationship to the world change during the Cold      War, and to what extent did this pave the way for the events that we are      witnessing in the world today? Provide at least one specific example of a      foreign policy event which took place during the Cold War to support your      position.

This post should be at least 250 words in length.

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