(Black pain by Terrie Williams


Select a book (Black pain by Terrie Williams – see the link in attachment) that provides a narrative on the lived ex
the book, think about the following:
How have privilege and oppression impacted their stories?
How did you feel as you read the story? What emotions surfaced? What was comfortable and what was uncomfo
How has reading the book enriched your understanding of the stresses people face and the resiliencies they poss
structures and processes impact individuals in the book?
How can you use what you have read to work effectively in your upcoming internship?
Written Reflection Paper
In a 4 – 5 page paper address the following, integrating the course readings, activities, and the chosen narrative re
file) from this course as you address question #2 and #3. A reference page is expected. Your paper will be evalua
attachment file).

  • Identify where and with whom you will be working in your internship this year (Community mental health center).
    internship and a one-paragraph summary of the focus of the story. (2-3 paragraphs)
    Based on your chosen reading address the following questions:
  1. How have privilege and oppression impacted their stories? Given that all individuals have intersecting identities
    perspectives. (1-2 paragraphs)
  2. What societal structures and processes impact individuals in the book? (1 paragraph)
  3. What strengths and resiliencies do individuals and families possess to overcome some of the obstacles before
  4. How has the content of this course and your chosen reading informed your upcoming advanced year? What ar
    your hopes and fears? How will your sociocultural identity influence your experience? (1-2 pages)

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