Does philosophy bring something important in the studying program in cegep?

[ad_1] Hi, to understand the question, I live in Quebec, a province in Canada that has Cegep which is a pre-university formation for after high school student. This philosophy course is mandatory for every pre-university program, so its like having a mandatory english course but it is philosophy. The real course is called philosophy and […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Using Table 1-1 in your textbook, pick a discipline and then pick a career opportunity in that discipline. (e.g. Exercise Physiology/Personal Trainer)Research the career using books (including your textbook), periodicals, online sources (no Wikipedia) and an interview with a person in your career choice.Write a 3-4 page paper about your findings.ContentIn Depth Description of […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] First, read the “Original paper” I attached here. Second, Read the “Reviewers comments on Original paper” I also attached here.Third, Look at the “Response to Reviewers Template” and start the work. You will do and deliver two things, “Revised Manuscript” & “Response to Reviewers” ——————————————————————-1- “Revised Manuscript” Please carefully read the reviewer’s critiques. You […]

HIS 320 Quiz P1

[ad_1] Part 1: Zimring & Sharkey The quiz will cover the readings for this week from “The City That Became Safe” and “An Uneasy Peace” Again, the best responses will: A) Use relevant and clear evidence in the form of direct quotations from the readings B) Integrate those quotations using methods three and four from […]

Global Studies (Debt, Discipline, and Dispossession)

[ad_1] Apply David Mcnally’s analysis of the relationship between debt, discipline, and dispossession to the film The End of Poverty. In what ways do you see the themes of debt, discipline and dispossession appear in the film in a global context? How do race and class relate in the context of the IMF and world […]

Scholarly Essay on Popular Cultures

[ad_1] A research paper that includes a detailed communication analysis of a popular cultural artifact or artifacts. The topic for the paper is wide open, but you must incorporate popular cultural analysis into your essay. The goal of this assignment is to apply some of the concepts and skills you have learned for better understanding […]

Python Final UFO Reporting Database

[ad_1] There are 3 deliverables overall. Part 1 UFO Sightings: Deliverable: A python script called that I can run by typing “python FILENAME”. It should output a file called lastname_firstname_cities.txt that contains one city/state (or city,province or city,country if you use international locations) with the corresponding count on each line. You must include a […]

Enron scandal

[ad_1] Conduct research and write a paper that discusses the ethical dilemma of your chosen subject.  Give an explanation and history of your issue, discuss the ethics and morals that went into the decisions made, discuss how the culture of the organization affected the decisions that were made, discuss the ethics, morals, social responsibility, and […]

personal statement for PA school

[ad_1] In your own words, write a brief statement expressing your motivation or desire to become a physician assistant. Keep your statement general as it is shared with all programs you apply to. Mention i was diagnosed with low testosterone at 19 and that i have a huge Interest in endocrinology and that i formed […]


[ad_1] A statement of approximately 500 words is encouraged concerning your interest in undertaking or continuing graduate study, your reasons for wanting to study at The university, and your professional plans, career goals, and research interests. You also may explain any special circumstances applicable to your background and elaborate on your special abilities, awards, achievements, […]

School Bullying

[ad_1] Topic: teenager should ask for adults and professions help for bullying The outline has attached. Need to have a clear thesis at the introduction.Body paragraphs: 8-10 sentences each.Conclusion: roughly 3 sentenses Need to have 6 quotes and use at least 3 sources. [ad_2] Source link