financial issue

[ad_1] please let the person(friend) named Chris. And you can write anything about this person’s financial struggles.Please following the instructions:See the documentation for detailsThanks     Describe the individual(s) (1 point)    Describe their story(ies) including describing three financial concerns/questions/struggles (2 points)    Explaining financial solutions with references/citations using concepts from the class (10 points)     Reflect on […]

Healthy Eating

[ad_1] I’ve selected my  that is typically seen as unhealthy. My favorite food is Fried chicken which is deep fried in oil (not olive oil)with White rice and potato and baked macaroni and cheese What ingredients would you replace to make the item healthier?  For instance, if an item called for hydrogenate oil, what would […]

behavior marketing

[ad_1] Identify the specific brand and category of the product/category that your want to follow. It is preferable that this brand has been around in the market for at least 5 years so that you have significant information available online about the history and performance over the years. For example, you cannot just say Pepsi […]

Grant proposal – Increase the development of effective medication for the treatment and Alcohol use disorder and expand the development pipeline and testing

[ad_1] Grant Proposal Final ProposalResearch strategy and study design are critical in epidemiology. Your final proposal should be in the format of 1-inch margins and 12 point font (not including references, tables or figures). The proposal should include the following components:1)Specific aims of the proposed research 2) Background and significance– motivation for the research question […]

Writing for the web

[ad_1] This week you watched an entire video course on ways to optimize your online writing (Learning To Write For The Web with Chris Nodder).  Identify a concept or two in this video course that particularly resonated with you and write about it.  Do you have personal experience with website design, blog writing or other […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Mission Statement EarthConnection, a ministry of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, is a center for learning and reflection about living lightly on Earth. Aware of the interconnectedness of all of Creation, we seek to integrate spirituality and sustainability through programs in sustainable agriculture, alternative energies, ecojustice, and eco-spirituality. Short History EarthConnection was built […]

Segregation and Accomodation

[ad_1] After 1877, white southerners regained control of the South. Using violence and intimidation, they systematically stripped the blacks of many of the rights they should have had. Blacks were disenfranchised despite the 15th Amendment. Jim Crow laws were passed that regulated every aspect of their lives. Lynching and violence became a fact of every […]

Sociology 311

[ad_1] Write a couple paragraphs reflecting on this article.Example:I am reading the article by Hwang et. al and I am trying to figure out what the theory there is. Is it that the racial segregation increases the number of bad loans or is it that the proportion of non-white residents increases the number of bad […]

Any topic (writer’s choice)

[ad_1] Write about the history of the Jews in the lower east side of Manhattan, ny 1st page has to be introduction pages 2-4 has to be body page 5 has to be conclusion 2 sources has to be from reliable books2 sources has to be from other reliable sources [ad_2] Source link

Law of Colonial Virginia Discussion:

[ad_1] Looking at the law of Colonial Virginia that are introduced this week, we may make the case that categories of Race, Class, Gender, Slavery & “imagined community” generally were being created in this first permanent English settlement on the mainland. One might also make a case for several key critical moments or “tipping points”.  […]

Organizational Challenges

[ad_1] Give a complete description of your understanding of the following motivational theory. 1 paragraph *Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory*Douglas McGregors Theory X and Theory Y*Herzbergs  Two-Factor Theory of Motivation (Motivation-Hygiene Theory)*Hawthorne Effect*Expectancy Theory What type of environment or situation would be best suited to each theory? Give an example of a situation you have […]

La Strada

[ad_1] Your task is to write a 2 page review of the film.  You are to explain what you got out of watching the film without writing about the plot  Your review should tell a story with an intro, body and conclusion.  Two full pages, Times Roman 12 Point Font, Double Spaced submitted as […]