Describing a Terracotta Sculpture


Paragraph 1 – Please describe how your sculpture was created based on the materials used. Please make
sure to detail how these were created in addition to using the correct terminology like additive,

modeling, assemblage, casting, etc. It is up to you to investigate how an artist would work with terracotta.
Detail is important here. Remember to cite your sources.
Paragraph 2 – the Critique
Where is your focal point vs. the emphasized portions vs. the subordinated portions?
Where is the positive vs. negative space (these are not always the same as emphasized vs. subordinated)?
Does your sculpture have actual or visual texture or both? This is a rather tricky question with sculptures –
make sure to defend your position.
Please discuss the balance, symmetry and use of line in your work of art.
Is your work of art best defined as sculpture in the round, high relief or low relief?
Paragraph 3: Please discuss the sculpture’s iconography and ultimate content as you see it. What story is
being told here? What ideas is the artist hoping to convey? Please take a guess at the context – if you had

to assign a time period/audience/religious background to your work of art, what would it be? Please make

sure to use the terms: iconography, content and context when discussing these aspects.
Paragraph 4: if there are any other terms you feel are important, please add them here. Your sculpture

might require a discussion of color terminology, scale and proportion, repetition and rhythm, etc. You are also encouraged to leave your personal thoughts on your work of art.

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