Fees associated with Pirating music and videos and how the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is battling this


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What topic(s) presented affected you the most? Substantiate WHY.

What positive effect does this topic hold for society and the individual? Substantiate WHY.

What negative effect does this topic hold for society and the individual? Substantiate WHY.

Overall, has this technology had a bigger benefit than detriment? Substantiate WHY.

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Discuss how its illegal, Fees assiaoted with Pirating music and videos and how the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is battling this

Example What topic(s) presented affected you the most? Substantiate WHY.
I can recall the days of Napster and other P2P file sharing siteh s in the early 2000s. I remember reading about people getting sued for downloading music, ( Napster became a popular way for people to get basically any song out there. People could access the directories and download virtually any song, even new songs or entire albums. At the time I did not fully understand the legal issues around it, but reading this chapter definitely gives me the full picture. I can understand why music companies were infuriated that they lost money to these types of sites.

What positive effect does this topic hold for society and the individual? Substantiate WHY.
These types of sites allowed for the introduction of P2P file sharing. In a way this was the beginning of streaming services as we know them today. This has revolutionized the way we watch TV or even share our data, ( It enabled other companies to emerge such as Bitcoin by paving the way for peer to peer networking. This type of technology allowed for large files to be distributed faster and with less bandwidth, than the usual client-server model, ( In essence all the computers on a P2P become servers.

What negative effect does this topic hold for society and the individual? Substantiate WHY.
With positive, comes negative effects with any technology out there. People built P2P networks to pirate software or for instance music files. I can understand why people would download songs; it is often expensive to purchase a whole album for just a few good songs. Not all the songs on the album are popular or wanted by fans. What is illegal is downloading copyrighted material, ( and this is still the main cause of why these types of sites were shut down. People will figure out ways to bypass and download illegally. People use torrents and other such sites, ( but you are risking getting viruses and other malicious code to your computer.

Overall, has this technology had a bigger benefit than detriment? Substantiate WHY.
Especially in the earlier years of this technology, the music and movie industries suffered great monetary losses. Overall, I think it taught us all a big lesson including these industries, but it paved the way for a new way to enjoy music and movies today. Video and music streaming services have skyrocketed, of course there are still people out there who will pirate and download them for free. The vast majority of people are ok with paying for what they like. For instance what started as a small DVD rental company, (, Netflix capitalized on peoples desire to stream movies and shows right on their TV without leaving the comfort of their home. People now can enjoy these services without having to download whole files they can just stream them on their Smart TVs.

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