Homophobia in the United States


Part A
What does your frequency table say about homophobia in the United States? How about what the mode and the median say?[Look in the statistics table for the mode and median. To interpret the median and the mode you will need to look up the values and the value labels associated with HOMOSEX in the codebook].

Part B
11) Examine the frequency tables and the measures of central tendency to see if there are any differences between men and women in their attitudes towards same sex relationships? [?[Look in the statistics table for the mode and median. To interpret the median and the mode you may need to look up the values and the value labels associated with HOMOSEX in the codebook].Document your answer, using selected data to support your claims.

12) Are you surprised by the differences? Why or why not?

Part C
9) Inspect the STATISTICS table. Which of the three measures of central tendency are appropriate for summarizing the variable ATWEED? Use the appropriate measures and your data to describe the variable?
10) Inspect the STATISTICS table. Which of the three measures of central tendency are appropriate for summarizing the variable GPA? Use the appropriate measures and your data to describe the variable?
11) Inspect the statistics and the frequency table for GPA? What can you say about the level of skewness and the multimodality of the variable? Do these features of the GPA data reduce the appropriateness of using the mean as the measure of central tendency for that variable. Defend your statements by referring to your data.

Part D
11) Build a small table in your lab document by clicking on INSERT in the word menu and TABLE and using the little boxes to create a table with FIVE columns and SIX rows(like the one below). Label your table exactly as in the one below.
Statistics Lower Class Working Class Middle Class Uper Class
Inter Quartile Range
Sample Size

12) Use the data from the SPSS output pasted in Part A question 6 to complete the table created in Part A question 7.
13) Use the information in the table in Part A question 7 above to assess social class differences in ages at which a first child is born in the US. Assess the differences based on both measures of central tendency and variability.
14) Explain why there are differences, if any, between social classes in the ages at which they start childbearing.

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